He has been pulled over by the police for looking suspicious. Women have clutched their purses when he walked by. He notices other parents don’t sit by him at his children’s school assemblies.
He notices that a lot.

Kirsteen Wolf
The Broadside
Teryl Young came to Oregon from Virginia in 2007 to help take care of his wife’s ageing parents. It was culture shock. Virginia is 19.4 percent black versus Oregon’s, 1.8 percent.
“I got the stares I wasn’t used to,” said Young.
After an incident of racial tension, Young’s first in job Oregon at a Gilchrist mill lasted one day. His wife Kim Gitchell-Young—who is white—grew up there. Despite the mill incident, living in Oregon small towns has been easier for Young and his wife than living in Bend.
In Bend, only 0.5 percent of the population is black.
Steven Jackson, a fellow Central Oregon Community College student, described it as isolating.
“Every single place I go,” he said, “I will always be the only black person there.”
Oregon has a racist history. The state ratified the 15th Amendment in 1959—89 years after black men were granted constitutional voting rights in the United States. In the mid-1800s, there was a “lash law,” where blacks were whipped if they didn’t leave the territory. As late as the 1950s, interracial marriages were still banned and non-whites were charged higher insurance rates.
Teryl Young—a COCC student—thinks these historical facts should be known if Oregonians want to move toward diversity acceptance.
“You have to know your history,” said Young.

For the Youngs, the most difficult aspects of racism involve their children.
On one occasion, Gitchell-Young caught a man taking pictures of her kids at the playground. She confronted him and told her kids to go home. As they took off, the man yelled, “Run, little niggers, run!” Young called the police and the man and his wife—who admitted using the same language—were kicked out of the apartment buildings for using hate speech.
“It felt good to get them out of there,” said Gitchell-Young, a COCC Criminal Justice major.
But the problems didn’t stop there.
Another time, a 12-year-old boy from their neighborhood told Young’s kids he could play with them, but his mother didn’t want him anywhere around Young because he was black. Young and his wife went to talk with the mother, who said she was raped by a black man and Young scared her. He responded that countless numbers of his ancestors were raped by white men and asked, “Should I hate you?”
Talking openly helped the situation and the Youngs try to be positive with the 12-year-old boy.
Steven Jackson has run into racism at COCC in his one-and-a-half years in Bend.
Last spring, Jackson’s wife was in the math lab with about seven other students. A man was talking on his cell phone using racial epithets. No one else said anything. Jackson’s wife asked that he take his call outside, saying she found his language offensive.
In response, the man said he recognized her, called her a “nigger lover” and threatened her. Someone finally came to her defense but Jackson’s wife was afraid.
Jackson feels instances like this are the exception and most people in Bend are kind. In a town with few minorities, he believes stares are inevitable.
“If you go to the beach you are going to get wet,” he said. “And we are at the beach.”
While shopping, people will stare at him. Occasionally, kids will ask to touch his skin. Jackson smiles and talks to people, though admits it sometimes gets uncomfortable—like the looks he gets when he shoots pool.
He doesn’t feel it’s his responsibility to put people at ease people, but rather to be understanding and empathetic.
“It’s not a race issue. It’s not that people are saying: ‘We hate black people,’” Jackson said. “It’s that ‘we don’t know any.’”
Dr. Chris Wolsko’s research “explores ideas for the future as to how we get along.” An assistant professor of psychology at Oregon State University-Cascades, Wolsko studies interethnic ideology, stereotyping, racism and cross-cultural conceptions of well-being. He finds the “contact hypothesis”—the belief that exposure to a group can lessen racial ignorance—flawed.
“In general, there is a mild positive correlation between the amount of personal contact and the lessening of animosity,” said Wolsko.
He cited states with intense racial conflict despite daily exposure between different groups. Young said there was “in-your-face racism” back in Virginia Beach.
“Just because you have contact doesn’t mean you will get along,” said Wolsko.
There are many theories explaining why hostilities exist between groups. Wolsko outlined a few psychological explanations for Young and Jackson’s negative experiences in Bend, including:
- Negative stereotypes from mainstream media
- Preexistent socioeconomic status difference
- Historical conflict between groups
- Ignorance
- Negative direct experience
If any stereotype forms in a person’s mind, they can potentially view someone from that group as a threat. People might look at a person and place him or her in a category without being aware of their thought processes, said Wolsko.
The Black Student Union
“There is no support in Bend. No support,” said Jackson. “You are an island.”
When asked what advice he would offer a new black student, Jackson was quick to respond.
“Go find Gordon Price,” he said.
Price is the Director of Student Life at COCC. He understands the challenges of being black in Bend. Price recalls an incident during a college orientation. He stood in front of 150 high school students, talking about college life and offering encouragement while they restlessly shuffled their folders of paper. After they filed out, Price found several folders left behind on the floor with the words “kill all the niggers” scribbled on them.
“Sometimes you can get lulled into complacency when things don’t happen for a while,” Price said. “Then you get reminders that racism is still out there.”
Price is also the advisor to the Black Student Union, a COCC club.
The BSU formed as a network and support system for African American students. The club was envisioned as a place to share stories, communicate and combat the isolation that African Americans and their families feel in Bend and on campus, said Price. As part of his job, Price receives the names of anyone who self-identifies as African American. In winter term, that number—out of more than 10,000 credit students—was 54.
It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to form a club. Sporadic leadership, lack of cohesion and poor event attendance, however, has made it difficult to keep the BSU going. Price hopes to try again next fall.
“I need student support to keep it going,” he said.
Teaching Diversity
Bend is 91 percent white. So what can people do to prevent racial conflicts so Young, Jackson and Price’s experiences are not an expected part of being black in Bend?
“The first level is to make people aware of what is going on in their minds,” said Chris Wolsko.
People draw boundaries between groups and express different priorities—it’s the nature of groups. Wolsko feels that an open dialogue and an awareness of diversity is a way to reach another level of understanding.
“We need managed conflict,” he said.
Steven Jackson hopes people become more receptive to diversity. But how do you teach diversity to a predominantly white town?
If learning about diversity is not personal, said Jackson, most people won’t care. He concedes that learning about the issues makes a difference.
“It’s education,” he said. “It has to matter.”
Finding diversity
Young’s experience as a Central Oregon black man made sense to him after attending the lecture “Hidden History: Why Aren’t There More Black People in Oregon?” by speaker Walidah Imarisha at the COCC campus, on April 10.
Imarisha moved from Philadelphia—43 percent black—to Portland, a city with a 6.3 percent black population. She found ways to adjust.
“It was important for me to think ahead and be very intentional … about reaching out to organizations, communities and institutions where I would find people of color, and folks who were thinking about issues of justice and equity,” she said.
Such a place exists in the Multicultural Activities department at COCC. Director Karen Roth has hosted more than 40 events this school year that explore topics ranging from transgender issues to immigrant rights.
The motivation behind the Multicultural Activities department was to make staff and faculty members aware of ways they may be acting on their unconscious biases.
The subtle ways that ostracize minorities—looks on campus, being ignored, clutched purses— are called “micro aggressions” according to Roth. If you’re not on the receiving end of these aggressions, chances are you might not be aware of them.
“We have to help them understand that all people of color are experiencing micro aggressions,” said Roth.
With the job situation in Bend, Young recognizes most graduates will have to move to more racially diverse places. Students should attend classes and lectures to understand how they personally deal with other races, he suggested.
“If you don’t talk about it,” said Young.” You can’t fix it.”
(Contact: [email protected])
Karen Jackson | Sep 22, 2015 at 3:08 pm
This story is old, but it still rings true. I just read the new Bend magazine, cover to cover. There was not one black person in the entire issue, except for the last page, in a Les Schwab ad. There were only two other POC, both Latina, and they were depicted serving food. How sad. While I realize Oregon, and Bend’s population of people of color is low, publications and organizations can do much better in representing them. It’s educational, it’s the right thing to do. I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Young left town – we are much poorer culturally for that.
Karen Jackson | Sep 22, 2015 at 3:08 pm
This story is old, but it still rings true. I just read the new Bend magazine, cover to cover. There was not one black person in the entire issue, except for the last page, in a Les Schwab ad. There were only two other POC, both Latina, and they were depicted serving food. How sad. While I realize Oregon, and Bend’s population of people of color is low, publications and organizations can do much better in representing them. It’s educational, it’s the right thing to do. I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Young left town – we are much poorer culturally for that.
rhino | Aug 4, 2014 at 3:16 pm
My family and I lived in Bend full time from 2002-2007. Now we just visit it a few times a year. We found the vast majority of people wonderful but did run into a racist element. My wife is Chinese American and I am Irish/Italian. We had run ins with some ignorant redneck racists. One even called my wife a mail order bride at a Hawaiian music festival. We found some people have a lot of anger and hatred just bellow the surface.
rhino | Aug 4, 2014 at 3:16 pm
My family and I lived in Bend full time from 2002-2007. Now we just visit it a few times a year. We found the vast majority of people wonderful but did run into a racist element. My wife is Chinese American and I am Irish/Italian. We had run ins with some ignorant redneck racists. One even called my wife a mail order bride at a Hawaiian music festival. We found some people have a lot of anger and hatred just bellow the surface.
Layla Hamelton | Oct 11, 2013 at 4:35 am
I would not even know generate an income finished up right here, however assumed this particular post had been excellent. I would not recognize whom you could possibly be however certainly you’re going to the popular writer for many who are not already Many thanks!
Layla Hamelton | Oct 11, 2013 at 4:35 am
I would not even know generate an income finished up right here, however assumed this particular post had been excellent. I would not recognize whom you could possibly be however certainly you’re going to the popular writer for many who are not already Many thanks!
F | Apr 8, 2013 at 8:57 pm
Ever been a white kid walking down an all black neighborhood? I have. I rather have people give me funny looks and walk away rather than get cursed yelled and threatened at. Just saying
teryl young | May 15, 2013 at 9:28 am
sometimes its a trust issue just be yourself and u will be ok some people in all races can be evil
J | May 15, 2013 at 10:58 am
So I spent a 4 day weekend in Bend a couple weeks ago to test the waters before we decide to move or not. I found all of the people I met to be very friendly (much more so then Portland and many of the smaller towns in SW Washington). I didn’t perceive that I was being treated any differently because of being interracial. I was very pleasantly surprised at how many people would smile and say hello and even strike up a conversation in Whole Foods, at the Gas Station, Realtors and homeowners trying to sell their house, or at the Old Mill shopping center for example. I would rate Bend as one of the best towns in the PNW to raise a family in regardless of your race (based on my research and limited personal experience).
F | Apr 8, 2013 at 8:57 pm
Ever been a white kid walking down an all black neighborhood? I have. I rather have people give me funny looks and walk away rather than get cursed yelled and threatened at. Just saying
teryl young | May 15, 2013 at 9:28 am
sometimes its a trust issue just be yourself and u will be ok some people in all races can be evil
J | May 15, 2013 at 10:58 am
So I spent a 4 day weekend in Bend a couple weeks ago to test the waters before we decide to move or not. I found all of the people I met to be very friendly (much more so then Portland and many of the smaller towns in SW Washington). I didn’t perceive that I was being treated any differently because of being interracial. I was very pleasantly surprised at how many people would smile and say hello and even strike up a conversation in Whole Foods, at the Gas Station, Realtors and homeowners trying to sell their house, or at the Old Mill shopping center for example. I would rate Bend as one of the best towns in the PNW to raise a family in regardless of your race (based on my research and limited personal experience).
J | Feb 27, 2013 at 6:22 pm
Informative Article. My wife, 2 yr old son and I are seriously thinking about moving to Bend next spring to escape the rain and clouds of SW Washington. I’m half black & half white, my wife is Mexican with a Japanese grandparent. Our son is therefore Black, White, Hispanic and Asian. I’m wondering if we’ll have trouble fitting into the community or not. How would you compare Bend to Vancouver, WA in terms of attitude towards Blacks and Mexicans?
PS. Yesterday a random person in a small town gun store incorrectly assumed I was Mexican and proceeded to ask me if I was here illegally.
teryl young | Mar 4, 2013 at 11:32 pm
well to tell you the truth that Bend is a great place considering all the issues that were stated in the article. I think that your family can have a better chance at fitting in. That is crazy to hear that someone incorrectly assumed you were Mexican that dose not really suprize me though when my kids first started elementary school here in bend when my wife went to go sign them up they questioned that my wife marked the wrong race because she marked Black the lady was like are you sure you wanted to mark Black and not white my wife got irritated and looked at the lady like she was crazy so it happens more that it should here in the pacfic northwest. But I think you guys will fit in fine there is a lot of Hispanics here and everything but I think you guys will be fine thanks for your response.
J | Mar 5, 2013 at 11:19 pm
Thanks for the reply, Teryl. I was more than a bit concerned after reading your article but then I took a step back and thought about it…I grew up on the East Coast in Newtown, CT and a few cities in Central TX and there were racist – both undercover and in your face – in both parts of the country. I think what makes us think about it more in the PNW (particularly small towns) is that we feel like we’re alone and have no backup b/c there are just so few Black people. In our heads this is a bad thing but in reality I haven’t run into one hateful or dangerous racist in PNW; only ignorant or misinformed people somewhat frequently. In more diverse areas I’ve come across hateful racist on many occasions. My problem is that I find ignorance even more upsetting than hatred. If someone is hateful/dangerous/aggressive I can handle that and I’m always prepared to “neutralize” the threat. But can we really fault someone for being ignorant to something they have little to no exposure to? I think that’s fair either. Now I’m rambling…in any event, your article was a good read and a good reminder that this country – no matter what city – still has many divisions that linger from the nations dark past. Here’e something to think about: If Black people are called African-Americans then White people should be called European-Americans because they originated in Europe just as my mothers ancestors originated in Africa.
teryl young | May 15, 2013 at 9:24 am
your right
J | Feb 27, 2013 at 6:22 pm
Informative Article. My wife, 2 yr old son and I are seriously thinking about moving to Bend next spring to escape the rain and clouds of SW Washington. I’m half black & half white, my wife is Mexican with a Japanese grandparent. Our son is therefore Black, White, Hispanic and Asian. I’m wondering if we’ll have trouble fitting into the community or not. How would you compare Bend to Vancouver, WA in terms of attitude towards Blacks and Mexicans?
PS. Yesterday a random person in a small town gun store incorrectly assumed I was Mexican and proceeded to ask me if I was here illegally.
teryl young | Mar 4, 2013 at 11:32 pm
well to tell you the truth that Bend is a great place considering all the issues that were stated in the article. I think that your family can have a better chance at fitting in. That is crazy to hear that someone incorrectly assumed you were Mexican that dose not really suprize me though when my kids first started elementary school here in bend when my wife went to go sign them up they questioned that my wife marked the wrong race because she marked Black the lady was like are you sure you wanted to mark Black and not white my wife got irritated and looked at the lady like she was crazy so it happens more that it should here in the pacfic northwest. But I think you guys will fit in fine there is a lot of Hispanics here and everything but I think you guys will be fine thanks for your response.
J | Mar 5, 2013 at 11:19 pm
Thanks for the reply, Teryl. I was more than a bit concerned after reading your article but then I took a step back and thought about it…I grew up on the East Coast in Newtown, CT and a few cities in Central TX and there were racist – both undercover and in your face – in both parts of the country. I think what makes us think about it more in the PNW (particularly small towns) is that we feel like we’re alone and have no backup b/c there are just so few Black people. In our heads this is a bad thing but in reality I haven’t run into one hateful or dangerous racist in PNW; only ignorant or misinformed people somewhat frequently. In more diverse areas I’ve come across hateful racist on many occasions. My problem is that I find ignorance even more upsetting than hatred. If someone is hateful/dangerous/aggressive I can handle that and I’m always prepared to “neutralize” the threat. But can we really fault someone for being ignorant to something they have little to no exposure to? I think that’s fair either. Now I’m rambling…in any event, your article was a good read and a good reminder that this country – no matter what city – still has many divisions that linger from the nations dark past. Here’e something to think about: If Black people are called African-Americans then White people should be called European-Americans because they originated in Europe just as my mothers ancestors originated in Africa.
teryl young | May 15, 2013 at 9:24 am
your right
T | Feb 19, 2013 at 9:21 pm
Thanks for the attention brought to the subject by this article. What a hardship faced by this family! It is really almost unbelievable- except for the fact I have experienced some of the mentioned problems. It isn’t just that moving here is a culture shock for the individual, this article helped me realize that it is also a necessary shock to the community. I moved here in 2011 and have seen some of the covert stupidity of people here on a firsthand basis. The only way through this issue, is to Break. It. Down. Thanks to the Young family and Gordon Price for your strength and also for sharing your experiences.
teryl young | Mar 4, 2013 at 11:40 pm
Thanks for your response my important goal in this entire article was to put the awareness out there that bend is not the loving cuddly white picket fence that most of people think it is because the sad part is that some sort of racism is here in bend and everywhere and people need to be on notice about it. I am glad you like the paper and thank you for your response. P.S bend as a city is ok its just some of the people here and its like this everywhere but just more noticeable here due to how small it is.
T | Feb 19, 2013 at 9:21 pm
Thanks for the attention brought to the subject by this article. What a hardship faced by this family! It is really almost unbelievable- except for the fact I have experienced some of the mentioned problems. It isn’t just that moving here is a culture shock for the individual, this article helped me realize that it is also a necessary shock to the community. I moved here in 2011 and have seen some of the covert stupidity of people here on a firsthand basis. The only way through this issue, is to Break. It. Down. Thanks to the Young family and Gordon Price for your strength and also for sharing your experiences.
teryl young | Mar 4, 2013 at 11:40 pm
Thanks for your response my important goal in this entire article was to put the awareness out there that bend is not the loving cuddly white picket fence that most of people think it is because the sad part is that some sort of racism is here in bend and everywhere and people need to be on notice about it. I am glad you like the paper and thank you for your response. P.S bend as a city is ok its just some of the people here and its like this everywhere but just more noticeable here due to how small it is.
terrel | Jan 15, 2013 at 12:25 pm
thanks alot hope to see u at the black inventors display at cocc soon in feb.
terrel | Jan 15, 2013 at 12:25 pm
thanks alot hope to see u at the black inventors display at cocc soon in feb.
Vecino Manuel Enrique Acosta | Dec 12, 2012 at 5:32 pm
My name is Vecino Manuel Enrique Acosta , I just needed to write that the article is really great. Thanks!
Vecino Manuel Enrique Acosta | Dec 12, 2012 at 5:32 pm
My name is Vecino Manuel Enrique Acosta , I just needed to write that the article is really great. Thanks!
Rick Waites | Jun 8, 2012 at 8:11 pm
I understand this issue too well. I have been a resident of Bend since 2001 and it has always been a friendly and beautiful place to live. However, there are occasions when people show their racism openly and even directly. I find this to be the minority, however. Most African Americans can spot the “silent racist” more than the vocal one. It is the body language and facial expressions that give them away. I have even seen people turn around and walk the other way rather than have to pass by me. This behavior is an atrocity in todays society and I fear it will NEVER change. And by change I dont mean a black president or Supreme Court Justice, when will we all learn that if we work together and love one another our SPECIES will benefit wholelly. I fear never. Thank You
teryl | Jun 9, 2012 at 4:35 am
Thank you for your reply and I could not agree with you more just like I stated in the paper if we dont talk about it then nothing will be heard and people wont know I have three kids and they been called out there name many times so its also important that people know the history and that where it comes from. Bend is a nice place but like you said people show their racism and its crazy thank you again for your reply Teryl
Rick Waites | Jun 8, 2012 at 8:11 pm
I understand this issue too well. I have been a resident of Bend since 2001 and it has always been a friendly and beautiful place to live. However, there are occasions when people show their racism openly and even directly. I find this to be the minority, however. Most African Americans can spot the “silent racist” more than the vocal one. It is the body language and facial expressions that give them away. I have even seen people turn around and walk the other way rather than have to pass by me. This behavior is an atrocity in todays society and I fear it will NEVER change. And by change I dont mean a black president or Supreme Court Justice, when will we all learn that if we work together and love one another our SPECIES will benefit wholelly. I fear never. Thank You
teryl | Jun 9, 2012 at 4:35 am
Thank you for your reply and I could not agree with you more just like I stated in the paper if we dont talk about it then nothing will be heard and people wont know I have three kids and they been called out there name many times so its also important that people know the history and that where it comes from. Bend is a nice place but like you said people show their racism and its crazy thank you again for your reply Teryl