Christopher Nolan has yet to make a bad movie. “Inception”, his film released over last summer, is no exception. In a film world filled with innumerable sequels, adaptations and reincarnations of characters and stories that viewers refuse to let go of, Nolan has created something completely original. His taught and visually intriguing film will have audiences debating for years to come.
The story of Cobb (Leonardo DeCaprio) and his quest to implant an idea within a person’s mind through their dreams is complex to say the least. Repeat viewings of this film should be considered a must. But, once the viewer is able to wrap their mind around the process of Inception, the film takes off from there. As Cobb and his team go deeper into the dream world, the audience is treated to not only some of the best visual effects of recent memory, but also a gripping and emotional plot.
The range of emotion that is portrayed throughout the film will take you from moments of intense exhilaration and suspense, to feeling genuine catharsis at the resolution of the story. This type of smart and charged film making is what has lifted Christopher Nolan up into the ranks of the elite Hollywood directors. With the ability to both conceptualize and direct pieces such as “Inception”; Nolan has nowhere to go but up.
The Kings Speech

When discussing prominent British figures of World War II, one’s mind runs immediately to Winston Churchill. Although Churchill was the most visible figure, he was not the only Pillar of strength for the British people. In Tom Hooper’s film “The King’s Speech”, the audience is shown the story of the other pillar of strength for the people of England, King George VI.
The plot revolves around the King (affectionately referred to as Bertie) and his struggle with a speech impediment that causes him to stammer. As a part of the monarchy, Bertie is challenged consistently by the various public speaking engagements that are required of him. As his role in the government rapidly increases due to the death of his father and his brother’s abdication of the throne, Bertie is forced to deal with his impediment with the help of his speech therapist (played by Geoffrey Rush).
It is Colin Firth’s portrayal of King George VI that truly sets this film apart. Watching him play a man that is tragically unprepared for the role of King, yet possessing an incredible amount of tenacity and courage is inspiring. Firth will be a headlining name on the award circuit this year, and may just win the Oscar for Best Actor.