After reading the latest issue of BS, with yet another attack on the ASCOCC, I was amazed to see you heap such attention on alleged alcohol consumption by students (legal age consenting adults) and then you have the gall, pages later, to write about “its almost time to get wasted…”. Talk about hypocritical. On the subject of ignoring good things, what about bowling night this month? One of the most successful student activities offered by ASCOCC. Hundreds of students and their families attended. You, do not attend, as evidenced by your previous article “The Good and the Bad” questioning the validity of these types of activities and the number and demographic they reach. According to information provided to ASCOCC by OSU Cascades Outdoor Adventure Program, it would appear that only two to three COCC students participate on a regular basis. Further, without clarification from the Outdoor folks, it could very well be the same students at each event, yet you would have us believe that this is a “very popular” COCC student event. I cannot believe that you would think it plausible or ethical to spend $5,000.00 for so few students that are most likely dually enrolled. From what I have seen, ASCOCC reaches out to all students. You, the BS, take $40,000.00 plus per year, of our student fees, far more than any other club or program; and, in my opinion, waste them. It seems that your main focus in most of your articles is to attack and belittle the organization that not only funds you but helps the students of this college. You spew hatred and suspicion where none is warranted. How is this fair and balanced? How do you call yourselves journalists? You are nothing more or less than Hate Mongers. Just as we would not welcome the KKK or any other hate based organization, there is no room on this campus for you.
I remember a vote on funding for the BS and Club Sports. I, like many other students, supported Club Sports; but, had to vote NO because you were attached. You were overwhelmingly told NO. We did not support you, then. That is still true today. You question and ridicule the decisions of ASCOCC and how the money is spent and where they could have saved money. Yet, I’m told, every chance you get you ask for more money for your self-serving group. You serve no greater good and do nothing positive for me or this campus. You seem to think that you are more deserving of our student fees than any other group that actually does good for their fellow students. I can only think of one good thing you do. Hamster cage liner.
Leah Peterson
I find your most recent editorial to be maliciously inaccurate. I have no idea where you got the notion that the ASCOCC Board’s agenda was and is to “shake off college policy..” or that “they alone are in charge off and oversee hundreds of thousands of dollars.” The efforts of the Board, are and have been to better and more precisely define its relationship with the college. While the Oregon Statutes recognize the existence of student associations, there is nothing definitive in either these statutes or the Oregon Administrative Rules regarding the authority of the Association and its Board, or precisely how it is to function in the discharge of its duties and responsibilities to both the college and to its student constituency. Your newspaper appears to take great liberty with creating inferences that are simply not true. Instead of attacking these individuals who are earnest in their desire to document a mutually beneficial and long-lasting relationship with the college, you should be supporting the effort with responsible journalism that provides your readers with facts rather than innuendos. Were you to ask those involved in this process, all would tell you the same thing…….that there has been no conflict or adversity in the discussions, and that everyone involved is in agreement conceptually with the goal of this effort. Be honest in your reporting and you could go from a tabloid to a newspaper.
Greg Lynch
Editor’s note: Greg Lynch is ASCOCC’s Lawyer
Cherly Harty • Jan 19, 2011 at 2:52 am
Great post. I was searching for some blogs about student fees and accidently came across this website. I cannot get over the fact that the government increased the fees for students to study. Its outrageous, especially when they said they would not change the fees structure before election. It was wrong what Edward Woollard done but if they want to treat people like this then how else would you expect the public to react.
Cherly Harty • Jan 19, 2011 at 2:52 am
Great post. I was searching for some blogs about student fees and accidently came across this website. I cannot get over the fact that the government increased the fees for students to study. Its outrageous, especially when they said they would not change the fees structure before election. It was wrong what Edward Woollard done but if they want to treat people like this then how else would you expect the public to react.