Comments submitted to The Broadside by students during the January Information Fair
Garry Zimmerman, 56: Paths don’t flow from buildings, like to see COCC use geothermal heating.
Crystal Alm, 25: Students need to get more involved with the school.
Jerry C., 27: I feel that being on a hill hinders my ability to learn. The lack of oxygen kills my cognitive process.
Nathaniel Kelly, 20: Love the faculty members; the professors take time to make sure each student grasps concepts.
Jason McDonald, 19: I like the variety of clubs and the programs they offer.
Leah Peterson, 38: Don’t like that people are still smoking outside the buildings on campus.
Echo M., 20: Some teachers are too strict on makeup work. My husband missed class to take me to the hospital and [his teacher] would not let him make up work.
Liz Z., 19: Love the open space in the library.
Nicholas M., 19: Like that there are dorms – wish there were more.
EJ Petewon, 26: Awesome campus, friendly staff, faculty, and people, Bus rides help, dining area superb, coffee shops awesome, great neighborhood.