Kris Ipock
The Broadside
A couple of images come to mind when we say “the season of winter.” Visions of couples snuggling in their house next to a warm fire, snow covering the streets and yards of Central Oregon and skiing and snowboarding down the face of Hoodoo or Bachelor.
However, college athletes have an entirely different view of what winter means.
Winter is the time for indoor sports, and at Central Oregon Community College, winter term intramural sports are in full swing.
From basketball, indoor soccer to volleyball, COCC has a wide range of activities for students to explore.
COCC’s intramural basketball league began on Jan. 10 and Jan. 12.
Teams play on Monday and Wednesday from 6 p.m. till 10 p.m. Playoffs will be held on March 2 and March 9.
The top eight teams will be in the playoffs. Like all activities, they are much better with a cheering crowd.
Come support your local college athletes.
If basketball is not your forte and you prefer to keep balls in the air, come and watch a game of volleyball.
The volleyball league holds their games Tuesday evenings from 6 – 10 p.m.
For those of you wishing to watch or play soccer, the indoor soccer league holds their games on Thursday from 6 p.m. -10 p.m.
With all these intramural sports being offered at COCC it’s hard to decide which sport to watch.
If your Friday evenings are free, come down to Mazama Gym and participate in the basketball open play.
With all these activities going on it is very easy to get confused on what sport you will be attending.
For a complete list of activities and the dates and times of those activities, visit and follow the links to the information you want.
All COCC intramural events are free and open to COCC and Oregon State University-Cascades students and staff.