Many COCC students have chosen a candidate based on which front runner they’d rather not vote for. A random survey of 20 Central Oregon Community College students last week showed indecision and lack of conviction on presidential candidates.
Hillary Clinton and “third party” both tied with 22 percent of students interviewed planning on voting for them. Donald Trump had 17 percent of the votes, and only five percent of students interviewed said they weren’t voting.
Several students stated they would not be voting in the upcoming Presidential election because they were unable to register in the allotted time. Students surveyed also mentioned that they weren’t sure who to vote for, but that they do plan on voting.
The upcoming presidential election has had no shortage of publicity. Almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week you can find something new pertaining to the election on every possible media outlet. Earlier this week, COCC students weighed in on the presidential election and answered some questions for a quick question and answer session. Students gave further insight about the election pertaining to whom they are voting for.
Most students interviewed were undecided toward whom they planned on voting for.
“I’m not really excited for the outcome, it’s nerve-wracking,” said COCC student Delcie Hipps.
Gael Reyes, a COCC student, said that he has decided to vote for third party candidate Gary Johnson.
“He’s the only one with the right principles,” Reyes said.
In some cases, Trump is viewed as “the lesser of two evils.”
“My husband’s a veteran, Hillary won’t do much for us,” said student Kacy Hutsell.
Students repeatedly mentioned the phrases “lesser of two evils” and “pick your poison” when asked why they were voting for the candidate they have chosen to vote for.
“It’s like you have to choose which hand to cut off; your answer depends on whether you’re right or left handed,” said student, Hayden McCaa.
Based on interviews, most students were undecided. Thirty-three percent of interviewees still have not chosen their preferred candidate.
Students had different views on each of the frontrunners in the Presidential Election, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
“We don’t need a hot-head who’s going to start a war,” stated Katie Fitzpatrick, student, regarding Trump.
However, multiple students mentioned that they’d rather have tax policies in the United States that Trump has proposed to implement over the tax policies promoted by Hillary Clinton.
“Clinton has demonstrated that she is untrustworthy. There have been so many scandals and they aren’t being debated, ” McCaa said.
Other students noted that Clinton has more experience than Trump, and that she has a better chance at winning the election.
The last day to request an absentee ballot is Nov. 3, 2016. Everyone registered can vote in the General Election with a ballot return deadline of November 8. Ballots will be sent out by mail no later than October 25th.
McKayla Schneider | The Broadside
Contact: [email protected]