With the deadlines for transferring to a university quickly approaching there are a few things students seeking to transfer from a two-year college should be aware of to make this process easier.
Molly Svendsen
The Broadside
One of the most common mistakes students make is missing the scholarship application deadline, said Kelly Talbert, Senior Assistant Director for Recruitment at University of Oregon.
“The deadline for scholarship applications is typically different from the general application deadlines,” Talbert said. “So students often focus on only one of the deadlines and then miss out on financial aid.”
It is also important for students to be in contact with admissions advisors and career counselors at the college as soon as possible, according to Talbert.
“Get in touch with whatever university you’re applying to,” Talbert said. “so there are no surprises.”
Another common mistake students make is forgetting to send transcripts from each college they have previously attended, said Zachary Adair, Public service representative at Portland State University.
“Many students don’t realize or remember to send transcripts from each college they have attended,” Adair said. “Timing is of the essence, so students should make sure that all necessary information is sent as soon as possible.”
Community college students should also be aware of how the credits they have already earned will transfer to a university, Talbert said.
“By attending an on-campus visit or one of our many new-student orientations,” Talbert said, “students will learn how to be successful throughout the transfer process.”
(Contact: [email protected])
Don’t procrastinate with transfer deadlines
January 30, 2013