Whether you’re expecting an earthquake or armageddon, preparedness is important when it comes to survival situations. Kory Callantine, the owner of the Supply Depot in Bend Oregon, shared tips on how to be prepared for any situation.
Tabitha Johnson
The Broadside
In a situation where power could be lost, having a light source is important, according to Callantine. He advised preppers not to rely on propane-fueled lanterns, as they have the potential to cause carbon monoxide poisoning. LED lanterns and flashlights are safer, according to Callantine, and conserve the most battery power.

Food and water
In a situation where food is hard to come by or you are unable to leave your house for any reason, having non-perishable food available is important. Freeze dried meals take no preparation and have a shelf life of eight years, according to Callantine. Canned goods are other good additions to emergency food storages, as long as they are stored with a can opener and don’t require extra preparing.
When preparing for an emergency situation, the number one priority should be having a safe water supply, according to Callantine.
“Water’s the most important thing,” he said. “A person can survive about 3 weeks without food, but only 3 days without water.”
It is a good idea to have a supply of sealed water bottles for emergencies. Callantine also recommended water purification tablets.
Callantine recommended water purification tablets that can be added to any water source, making it safe to drink.
Staying warm
Warm clothing and blankets are very important to any emergency kit, according to Callantine. He advised having a wool blanket available, as it is the only material that can keep a person warm even when wet. You should also have means to start a fire, according to Callantine, which means having matches or other fire starters available.
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