Tabitha Johnson
The Broadside
Changes are coming to the Redmond campus of Central Oregon Community College.
Remodel and construction projects are currently in the works that will most likely be completed by spring 2013, according to Richard Brecke, the Construction Project Manager for the Redmond remodel.
Designs for the remodel began in 2011, according to Brecke.
“We originally identified a need for additional science labs and classrooms,” he explained.
The project now includes the addition of a SMART lab, a new general science lab, a chemistry lab and a lecture hall in Building One. The SMART lab will also serve as the building’s Computer and Informational Systems lab and the Business lab.
The total cost of the Redmond remodel is $934,000, according to Brecke. About $434,000 of the funds come from the 2009 Bond Measure, and the remaining $500,000 comes from state funding. The project has been contracted to the Kirby Negelhout construction company.
In the future there will be more expansions to the Redmond COCC campus.
A new Technology Education Center building will eventually be added to the Redmond Campus, according to Shirley Metcalf, the dean of Extended Learning.
“The Redmond Technology Education is still in the design phase,” said Metcalf. “The original bid was too high… we’re looking at the building again now to adjust the design.”
Metcalf hopes the construction of the new building will begin in fall 2013. Part of the funding will come from the 2009 Bond Measures, and an equal amount will come from the state.
The expansions planned for the Redmond campus will allow it to host more classes and provide more educational activities outside of Bend, according to Metcalf.
“The remodel in Redmond is going well and we’re really excited about it,” she said.
Metcalf hopes that the Redmond campus and other branch campuses of COCC will continue to expand.
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