Noah Hughes
The Broadside
Child care subsidies, blood drives and the Bend Winterfest were on the minds of the Associated Students of the Cascades

Campus during their Jan. 23 meeting.
Applications for a child-care subsidy were turned in, and six out of 12 were approved. The other six are pending a proposal to the fee committee. One applicant was denied due to lack of information on her form. It was determined she was planning to study abroad and did have need of the subsidy. The student’s financial records included expenses for travelling abroad, which were mistaken for overall student aid.
“It doesn’t mean she has the means to provide for childcare, even if the initial numbers say otherwise,” said Kate Roth, marketing and public relations coordinator.
Stacie Pradmore, ASCC’s program coordinator, suggested that the application for child-care subsidy be amended to include information on studying abroad expenses.
ASCC plans to coordinate a blood drive this term, possibly pairing it with another event, such as voter registration. It would be a two-day affair, with a predicted 22 donations on the first day, 30 on the second. If they could get a classroom to hold the drive in, they could increase the number of prospective donations, according to Stacie Pradmore. According the Andrew Davis, faculty advisor, they would need to sign a contract with the Red Cross to ensure the hallways near the classroom are free of obstacles and potentially sharp objects. The Red Cross is expected to bring cookies for the donors, and ASCC would provide ice cream.
Finally, ASCC discussed preparations for their involvement in Winterfest. In addition to their booth, they are considering an activity for Winterfest patrons. A table in Cascades Hall will be set up with information about their involvement and to distribute Winterfest buttons to Oregon State University-Cascades students, which can be used for a variety of discounts leading up to and during to the event.
“This is the first time ASCC is doing Winterfest and we don’t have Rail Jam anymore, we need to let them (students) know it’s one or the other,” said Taylor Bacci, activities coordinator.
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