We, the students of Central Oregon Community College, do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution as the foundation for our student government.
Article I. Name
Section 1. Name.
The name of this association shall be the Associated Students of Central Oregon Community College hereinafter referred to as ASCOCC.
Article II. Purpose
Section 1. Purpose.
1. The purpose of the student government shall be to represent and serve all students by providing effective governance, advocacy, services and programs that will contribute to individual student success, enhance the college experience, and benefit the COCC community.
2. Student government shall allocate student fees collected by Central Oregon Community College.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. General Qualifications.
Students of COCC by virtue of their registration and payment of student fees verifiable by the COCC Admissions Office shall be members of the ASCOCC. All students are therefore subject to this constitution, its bylaws, and all other rules and/or regulations adopted.
Section 2. Discrimination.
Membership in ASCOCC will not be denied upon the basis of age, disability, gender, marital status, national origin, color, race, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status in any educational programs, activities or employment.
Article IV. ASCOCC Council
Section 1. Council Size.
The ASCOCC Council shall be comprised of elected and appointed officers. Officers shall be referred to as the “ASCOCC Council.”
Section 2. Duties.
ASCOCC Council Member duties, position descriptions and responsibilities are outlined in the bylaws.
Section 3. Election and Appointment of Officers
1. Elections for executive Council Members are held during Spring Term. The elected Council will appoint additional Council Members prior to the end of Spring Term. Voting will be done electronically using the College’s online system and made available to students for a minimum of three consecutive days.
2. Elections are administered and regulated by the Office of Student Life. Grievances regarding the election process may be submitted to the Director of Student Life for investigation.
Section 4. Qualifications of Office.
1. Council members must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 to run for office. If a Council member GPA falls below a 2.0 during their term of office, they shall be placed on probation for a period of one term. If they fail to obtain the required 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of the term they will be considered removed from office.
2. All council members must be members of the ASCOCC thereby maintaining a minimum one credit hour at COCC.
Section 5. Terms of Office.
A Council Member’s term of office is one year or until a successor is elected and installed. Council members may not hold the same title for more than two consecutive years.
Section 6. Vacancies in Office.
1. Resignation
Student Government members resigning from office must submit an official letter of resignation to the Director of the Office of Student Life and to the ASCOCC Council and return all ASCOCC and COCC property prior to their last day. Council members must accept the resignation at the next official meeting.
2. Termination
Except as otherwise provided herein, a person who holds a position as an ASCOCC council member shall be automatically terminated from that position upon the following:
i. Resignation (see Article IV, Section 6.)
ii. Death or permanent mental incapacity
iii. Dereliction of duties and responsibilities as outlined in the ASCOCC Bylaws. A final vote for termination will be decided by a majority vote of the ASCOCC Council after all disciplinary procedures have been exhausted.
iv. Failure to maintain a 2.0 GPA (see article IV, section 4.1)
3. Replacement
In the event of a vacancy of office, a new Council Member may be appointed by a majority vote of the current Council Members. Vacancies will be advertised for a minimum of one week and positions will be filled within thirty (30) days.
4. Recall
The members of the ASCOCC shall have the power to recall any ASCOCC Council member through a majority vote. A petition must be signed by ten (10) percent of the previous term’s 4th week credit head count (Fall, Winter, Spring) calling for a special election to remove the Council Member.
Section 7. Advisor.
The ASCOCC Council Advisor shall provide guidance to all areas of the organization. The Advisor will provide financial and organizational advice as well as ensure compliance with COCC Student Roles and Responsibilities. The Advisor will meet regularly with the Council.
Article V. Council Meetings
Section 1. ASCOCC Council Meetings.
Meetings will be held at least once per month as determined by the Council Members.
Section 2. Special Meetings of the ASCOCC Council.
Special meetings may be called by the majority of Council Members with 24 hour notice to the public stating the purpose of the meeting.
Section 3. Regulations for all ASCOCC Council Meetings.
1. Meeting dates and times will be posted for public view.
2. The meeting agenda will be posted a minimum of 24 hours in advance for public view.
3. Meetings are open to the public. Non-council members will be allowed to discuss items upon recognition by the moderator during open forum.
4. ASCOCC Council meetings shall be conducted with a quorum of current Council Members.
5. Write-in, absentee, and proxy votes on issues may be accepted if typed and signed by the absentee member and presented prior to the meeting date. Council Members may accept this vote if the motion does not change.
6. The Council shall select a ‘secretary pro temp’ as the first item of business at meetings unless otherwise acknowledged in a Council Member job description. The ‘secretary pro temp’ shall be responsible for recording the proceedings of the meeting and posting to a public forum.
Article VI. Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees.
Council Members may serve on committees established by Central Oregon Community College faculty and staff.
Section 2. Special Committees.
The Council Members may establish any committee deemed necessary to improve the performance of the ASCOCC.
Section 3. Appointment.
The Council holds the power to appoint individuals to standing and special committees.
Article VII. Amendment
Section 1. Creation.
Creation of an amendment to the Constitution shall conform to the following guidelines:
1. Amendments may originate and be voted on by the ASCOCC Council Members.
2. Initiatives may originate by means of a petition signed by ten (10) percent of the previous terms 4th week credit head count (Fall, Winter, Spring) and presented to the ASCOCC Council Members for a vote at a special Constitutional Amendment meeting.
3. Referendum may be presented by a special petition, signed by ten (10) percent of the previous terms 4th week credit head count (Fall, Winter, Spring), and shall refer to a special election any measure passed by the ASCOCC Council.
4. All amendments, initiatives, and referendums must receive a majority vote.
Section 2. Regulations.
All petitions circulated for signatures must first have signatures verified by the Director of Student Life for membership of the ASCOCC. A petition must include the full text of the proposed change.
Article VIII. Student Fees
Section 1. Assessment of Fees.
1. A student fee of $1.50 per credit hour up to and including 12 credit hours will be assessed during Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer terms.
2. The student fee shall be disbursed by the ASCOCC council.
3. 25 cents per credit hour up to and including 12 credit hours per term shall be allotted directly to a flexible sustainability fund to be monitored and allocated by ASCOCC. These funds will be used to purchase renewable energy (such as solar, wind, bio-mass or wave) for the campus and secondarily to complete sustainability projects on campus.
Article IX. Bylaws
Section 1. Purpose.
The Bylaws shall provide process that supports the requirements of the Constitution.
Section 2. Guidelines.
A two-thirds majority of the ASCOCC Council Members may amend the Bylaws at any ASCOCC Council meeting.
Article X. Ratification
Section 1. Constitution Ratification.
The Constitution shall take effect after passing the ASCOCC Council by a two-thirds vote and having been ratified by a majority of the votes cast in an election of the members of the ASCOCC student body.
New constitution proposed by Associated Students of COCC
April 13, 2010
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