Kirsteen Wolf
The Broadside
Look at our campus.
There are thousands of moving parts, all working synergistically so that each day unfolds in to the next. We see that we are a complicated human machine interacting with each other to forward our goals. We go to school, erect buildings, run meetings, teach classes, clean floors, advise, check out books, patrol and study ; the campuses hum with activity of citizens earning their paycheck and jumping through hoops to pass the class. We share a common theme to work hard and to achieve our goal no matter where we fit in as part of the interconnected web.
And all this mechanical analogy hides the fact that we are all different. We look, love, vote, speak, think, and live differently. Isn’t that fantastic?
The person sitting next to you may be away from home for the first time, or they are just back from serving their country, or were just threatened that morning for looking different, or they are worried about their child in daycare or they just lost their parent.
If we cover a story that doesn’t resonate with you, it will with your neighbor. If we talk about the cost of books or the lack of child care, maybe these things don’t affect you. Consider reading the article to broaden your horizons.
An article in Spanish in The Broadside is new. Some may object that they cannot read it and so they feel isolated or that it’s a waste of space. The article is also in English so those who speak and read only English will not miss out on the information. There are people on this campus that speak Spanish and there are students studying the language.
Perhaps, for fun, for education and interest, you can try to read through the Spanish article and see how far you can get. People struggle to learn a new language every day all over the world.
I would like to run other languages in the paper. I would like to see COCC and OSU-Cascades’ language students work on a translations for us.
I’d also like to know what you think, not just about diversity represented in The Broadside, but all the issues we cover on both campuses.
You are here. You’re part of this great community. I know you have something to say.
Kirsteen wolf may be contacted at [email protected]