Lauren Hamlin
The Broadside
The April 20 deadline for Associated Students of Cascades Campus positions has been extended by two weeks due to a low number of applicants.
As of April 29 there are six applicants, but ASCC President Jessica Corrales hopes to have between nine and ten applicants by the new deadline.
“Students can apply for any position,” said Corrales. “This year is going to be a complete turn over; none of our current members will go on next year.”
There are five student government positions to fill; president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and activities coordinator. Unlike typical student elections, ASCC positions are filled by a hiring and appointing process, a process that has its disadvantages at times.
“Right now our vice president is working on getting us a part of the OSA (Oregon Student Association). Our election process is the reason they haven’t accepted us, because we do hiring and appointing,” said Coralles. “At the moment we are trying to get them to accept us the way we are, because of the size of the campus it’s hard to do elections the way they should be,”
The OSA is a coalition of student governments dedicated to the representation, service and protection of the interests for more than 100,000 students in post-secondary education, according to the OSA website.
Another important piece to ASCC is OSU-Cascades campus’ student life advisor Andrew Davis.
“I help [ASCC] interpret university policy,” said Davis. “We also work on leadership and hold leadership training and I help them to be fiscally responsible.”
ASCC has different programs and events throughout the school term. One event ASCC will be hosting is the “Whine and Cheese” festival, where students can express their concerns regarding the campus.
“Right now we’re trying to find ways to make our campus better,” said Coralles.
ASCC also puts on the Coffee Program, which provides free coffee every day and free bagels twice a week to students on the Cascades campus.
“May 26th there will be a campus wide spring event,” said Coralles. “Usually we keep events local to our campus, but this will be open to both campuses. We’d like to get out to COCC students to see what our campus is all about.”
Lauren Hamlin can be reached at [email protected]
ASCC supports
• Jam on the Hill (Rail Jam )
• Toy drive
• Food drive
• Blood drives
• An upcoming Spring barbecue event
• Coffee program
• Child-care subsidy program