By Nolan Wironen | The Broadside (Contact: [email protected])
Drinking hot tea and other hot beverages in combination with the use of tobacco and alcohol can increase the risk of esophageal cancer, according to a study done in China by Annals of Internal Medicine with the cooperation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
This study was done in over ten different areas in China, with 456,155 participants between the ages of 30 and 79. After the baseline of the experiment was passed and the results posted on, it was found that “during a median follow-up of 9.2 years, 1731 incident esophageal cancer cases were documented.”
Central Oregon Community College Nurse Administrator Jane Morrow was able to confirm the study, explain that “According to the American cancer society, alcohol, tobacco and very hot beverages increase the risk of esophageal cancer.”
Increased risk or not, smoking in general will already put you at risk of cancer, which is now seen as common knowledge. HHS (Health and Human Services) stated that starting that in the early 1950’s, there is evidence of smoking being the main cause of lung cancer. Today, all tobacco products are marketed with this warning.
“I’m surprised that many young adults still start smoking even though we are very educated on how it can damage your body,” COCC nursing student Gwyn Ptomey said.
“The age group most at risk of esophageal cancer is between 65 and 74,” Morrow explained.
With experiments like this looking to find results and more information in regards to cancer and being done on groups of people as low as the age of 30 it is clear to see that smoking is and always will be a leading contribution to the risk of cancer.
If you are an active smoker here on campus and are looking for a way to quit, you can visit the COCC website under the “Student Life” and “Student Resources” section for tobacco cessation program resources. ■