Paula Bullwinkel observes her narrative series, a story of two girls (her daughters) in a unicorn and crow masks. Bullwinkel has been developing the story for two years now and plans to make it into a book which will be displayed in a gallery in London, England with other photos this summer. In sequence the photo titles share a little of the narrative, “Hestia Concerned Makes Inquires”, “Hestia Nearly Gives Up” and “Beatrix in the City.”
A show curated by Paula Bullwinkel to exhibit the best work being made by the advanced film photography students. This exhibit consists of black and white and silver gelatin photographs that have all been developed and printed in the darkroom. It emphasis is on exploring a personal vision and sharing the artists’ unique interpretations of the world today, while using traditional, hands-on, photographic techniques.
The goal of the show is to educate the public that film photography is an artform and it is flourishing among COCC students, according to Bullwinkle. COCC is a regional leader in advancing the fine art of film photography and young photographers.
At the Artists reception on March 8, student photographers, faulty and interested samaritans gathered to view the show of photos.