Dear Central Oregon Community College,
First off, allow me to congratulate Central Oregon Community
College on making a difference in the lives of so many students for
the past 50 years. The event planned to celebrate those 50 years in
the community was held this last Thursday at 5 p.m. I take issue with
a half century of excellence culminating with one of the largest parking
debacles I have ever witnessed (second only to the Sasquatch
festival). I understand that no course of action is free of flaws or missteps,
and we can only hope that those affected by our decisions realize
we only have the best of intentions. That said, I believe I speak
for a large number of students in asking “Did you really think that
closing Barber Library and OSU Cascades/Pioneer parking lots on a
Thursday to be the most thought out decision you could have made?”
Perhaps those responsible for the event were immersed in a blissfully
nostalgic trance waxing poetic about the great deeds COCC
accomplished over last 50 years. Maybe they were thinking about the
past, perhaps they were looking into the future. They were certainly
not thinking about today and the students they inconvenienced. We,
the current, paying, attending students – we had classes, tests to take
and vehicles which required parking spaces. Students were forced
to park illegally, many did so in bike lanes forcing the more earth
conscious commuters among us to peddle out onto the roadway to
mingle with rage filled drivers. Are you beginning to see the problem
here? I realize that it must be difficult to orchestrate such a momentous
occasion and I wouldn’t pretend to have to have all the answers.
I would like to make one suggestion. Next time plan it for a Friday.
Warmest Regards,
Ian Smythe
COCC student
Letter to the Editor
Published May 30, 2015
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