The student whose roommate is accused
of stabbing him filed an intent to
sue the college. On October 31, James
Briles roommate, Eric Norgaard allegedly
stabbed Briles multiple times
in their dorm room on the Central
Oregon Community College campus,
according to Bend Police Department
Norgaard is being faced with charges
of attempted murder, first-degree
assault and unlawful use of a weapon
and plead his case on April 17, according
ot the Oregon Judicial Information
Briles recently filed a notice of intent
to sue COCC. A tort claim notice
dated March 17 states James Briles
“nearly died” and the extent of his injuries,
“remains uncertain.”
Ron Paradis, COCC director of
community relations, was unable to
comment regarding the situation.
Brayan Gonzalez | The Broadside
(contact: [email protected])