What will your student fees be used for next year? For
the first time, Central Oregon Community College established
a Student Fee Committee to allocate student
fees on campus. The committee will allocate fees
to the Associated Students of COCC, intramural
clubs and sports and The Broadside student
The decision to establish the SFC was
collaborative and egalitarian. Prior
to the SFC establishment, however,
fees for The Broadside and intramural
clubs and sports were allocated
by ASCOCC directly. The
goal of the SFC is to “provide
broader representation to all
of the student led activities
across the board,” according
to Gordon Price, director of
Student Life.
“The student government
said [that] if you
take the allocation of fees
out of our hands, we feel
that the process would
be more equitable,” said
The process should
be “collaborative, inclusive,
and objective so
that this need is met,” according
to The Dean of
Students, Alicia Moore.
Moore added that the
SFC has successfully
“taken the burden off of
ASCOCC, given broader
representation to COCC
students, and has greatly
increased objectivity regarding
the dispersion of student
fees across the board.”
The committee consists of
three non-paid at-large students,
a COCC faculty member and
math professor David Lui, as well
as David Dona of COCC Fiscal Services.
The three students at large are not
participants of ASCOCC, intramurals or
The Broadside, which allows them to maintain
an objective outlook on the process. Lui is responsible for overseeing the students.
Dona is involved with the dispersion of student fees via checking, money
allocation and credit cards.
The budget for the current 2014-2015 school year
is $262,700.00 and the estimated budget for the upcoming
2015-2016 school year is $248,117 according to
Dona. The SFC budget is projected and allocated
based on the projected enrollment statistics
each year. This year, ASCOCC received 70
percent of the student fees, The Broadside
received 18 percent, and the clubs/
intramurals received 5 percent. The
remainder of the unused funds that
each branch does not use carries
over into the following school
year. This year, $20,000 carried
over from last year into
the 2014-2015 budget, and
$90,000 dollars is projected
to carry over into the 2015-
2016 budget, for a grand
total to a $110,000 surplus
of funds.
Unused funds can be
dispersed to any intramural
sports team, any
sub-group controlled
by ASCOCC, or The
Broadside. ASCOCC
received $145,300 of
the student fees, which
are used to support various
clubs, programs,
events and salaries. After
the SFC determines
how much each entity
will receive, Moore gives
suggestions and final approval
on the allocations.
“My role is to make
sure there is no ill intentions
in the final [budget]
decisions that are made,”
said Moore.
Moore would also like to
thank the students and faculty of
the SFC for their time and work on
the student fee committee.
“I’m very pleased with the process,”
said Moore.
Karl Dinkel | The Broadside
(Contact: kdinkel@cocc.edu)