Getting to campus can be one of the biggest hurdles facing students’ education, according to Terri Botts, Student Life administrative assistant.
Many students end up relying on public transportation. Currently-enrolled Central Oregon Community College and Oregon State University-Cascades students are able to get discounts to ease the cost of public transportation. For $10, students are able to purchase a bus pass through Cascades East transit for the zone one in the Bend area.
“I have heard students say they would not be able to get to class without [the discount],” said Terri Botts, an administrative assistant in the Office of the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services.
To help students, and others in our community, CET has implemented a travel training program, which provides interested bus riders with a travel trainer who will show them how to use the system.
Once students arrive on campus, COCC’s Bend campus offers a free on-campus shuttle to all students. CET buses have partnered with COCC shuttle, communicating when they are dropping off students as well as delays and schedule changes.
Juli Wright | The Broadside
(Contact: [email protected])