Your student fees may help fill a needy student’s plate this Thanksgiving holiday. Central Oregon Community College students in need will be able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal this holiday season thanks to Associated Students of Central Oregon Community College’s Holiday Food Drive. ASCOCC’S goal for the year is to create 150 baskets.
The Holiday Food Drive began on Nov. 7 throughout all COCC campuses, and continues through Nov. 21. Student need has made the Holiday Food Drive an annual event at COCC.
“Students are in need every year,” said Kurt Killinger, director of legislative affairs, “That’s why we do this every year.”
On average, the holiday food drive generates over 100 meals for COCC students in need across all of the campus branches throughout Central Oregon. However, due to a five percent decrease in full-time student enrollment, the budget for this year’s holiday food drive is slightly less than last year.
“We purchase one turkey, one pie, and one bag of rolls for every basket,” Killinger explained, “all other items provided are through donations.”
In order to increase student participation ASCOCC has made the donation of food items into a competition, with departments and clubs competing to donate the most amount of food items. COCC faculty members are also strong supporters of the food drive, including Gordon Price, COCC director of student life.
“I think its been great. I think it is a great way to support students and give back to students, realizing there are students who need help,” Price said.
Collection bins are located throughout all of COCC’s campuses. Students who are in need are encouraged to fill out an application on the ASCOCC website in order to receive a basket.
“We’d rather have more applicants than baskets,” Killinger said. “We will accept all applicants until the very last minute.”
Emily Frances Kalei
The Broadside
paul | Nov 15, 2013 at 5:25 pm
How are student fees being used ? How much and for?
The Broadside Editor | Nov 18, 2013 at 5:15 pm
There’s a really good infographic outside ASCOCC’s office that describes what ASCOCC used student fee money for last year. That’s a good guideline for this year as well.
paul | Nov 15, 2013 at 5:25 pm
How are student fees being used ? How much and for?
The Broadside Editor | Nov 18, 2013 at 5:15 pm
There’s a really good infographic outside ASCOCC’s office that describes what ASCOCC used student fee money for last year. That’s a good guideline for this year as well.