Tobey Veenstra
The Broadside
The expenditures of Associated Students of Central Oregon Community College were ceased until a fiscal investigation has been completed in conjunction with administration personnel, according to ASCOCC members in a public meeting on April 22. The student government unanimously approved this decision during its meeting.
“That way we can take a look at our situation and speak intelligently and articulately about the situation,” said ASCOCC member Terry Link.
ASCOCC members did not answer any questions from the press after the meeting, preferring to schedule a meeting at a later date..
Upcoming election
Packets for ASCOCC executive council candidates are currently available in the office of student life in the Campus Center, room 208. The deadline is 4 p.m. on May 9. ASCOCC members reviewed and suggested revisions for the policies in the candidate packets during the recent meeting.
“There’s a few changes in here that I have some worries about just from looking at it from a student perspective,” said ASCOCC member John MacAulay.
Policies against campaigning in classrooms were among the concerns.
“I think every candidate will wind up being in violation because that’s the natural, easiest way of campaigning that I think people will do and I think that we might not have enough qualified candidates at the end of the campaign season if we damn that,” said MacAulay.
Other concerns included the limited areas where candidates may actively campaign and potential manipulation of the campaign policies.
“If somebody’s friend stood up in front of the classroom and said, ‘Vote for my buddy,’ that would get that person disqualified,” said MacAuley. “A real
shrewd politician would probably have their friends go and say ‘Vote for my friend’s competition.’
Student Life Director Gordon Price would investigate such grievances should they occur, according to ASCOCC Advisor Taran Underdal. The ASCOCC
members’ comments were taken to Price for review, afterwards.
“They will be taken as recommendations but there’s no guarantee that they’ll actually be implemented,” said ASCOCC advisor Taran Underdal to members during the meeting.
The campaign process for executive council candidates will take place May 10 through 19, and voting will take place May 16 through 19.
A new constitution
During the same meeting, the new ASCOCC constitution was voted on, approved unanimously and read into the minutes.
“We’re 100 percent for it and we’re very, very happy it is passed,” said Link in the meeting.
The constitution was previously recommended by a majority of participating students in a vote and approved by the COCC Board of Directors.