Marvin Walder/The Broadside
The Pavilion skating rink is now hosting Women’s Pickup Ice Hockey games on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. The games are open to all ages and skill levels, and anyone who’s interested is highly encouraged to stop by and participate. For players participating in the game, there is a $12 entry fee and visitors can spectate for free.
The photographs above are from the game that was hosted on March 3rd, 2021. This was the second pickup game hosted at the Pavilion after restrictions on recreational activities due to COVID-19 have been reduced. The game had an amazing turnout, with women of all ages and skill levels playing. The Pavilion, and the players there, hope that games like this can continue to be hosted and that others in the community who are interested may join them as well.
The Pavilion is also looking to create a Women’s Ice Hockey Club if there are enough players interested. Games such as these, and other club and league activities, will only get better over time with community support. For those interested in learning more, or signing up for skating or hockey, check out The Pavilion Website.