“Shrek The Musical” is a captivating production that has taken the world by storm. With its cunning humor and catchy music, it is sure to grasp the attention of viewers. Thoroughly Modern Productions, located in Bend, has been working to bring this show to life and its opportunity to share it with our community has finally come.
Director David Dacosta said, “We have had four independently produced productions. We started on our own two years ago and have two shows a year, one in the summer and one in the winter.”
He added, “Thoroughly Modern Productions holds a student workshop in conjunction with the shows. They can last up to fifteen weeks.”
Not only is the cast very diverse in age, but roughly 75 percent of its members are current COCC students or alumni. Their commitment to the show and to their education is inspiring.
One of the cast members, Gracie De Wilde, plays the role of the White Rabbit and said, “It’s a wonderful show with a great message about being true to who you are and embracing your quirks. I’m one of the fairy tale creatures who starts in the beginning as an insecure ‘freak’ and then learns to ‘let my freak flag fly’ and embrace who I am.”
She added, “Working with some other COCC students is great because we become really close both in the show and at school.”
Prior to “Shrek The Musical,” Thoroughly Modern Productions performed “The Beauty and the Beast” and “Peter Pan.”
These students are representing COCC when they perform on the stage of the Tower Theatre and want the support of their peers. Though “Shrek The Musical” has come and gone, Thoroughly Modern Production’s next performance will be “The Little Mermaid.”
Kali Chapin | The Broadside
(Contact: [email protected])