This whole year we’ve addressed everything
from anniversaries, to dating,
from partying to family and everything in
between. However, nothing is more important
then addressing your future. We
all know that college isn’t forever, sooner
or later we all have to face reality, get
serious and grow up. Alot of times this
comes in the form of looking for a job.
No, I’m not talking about getting a job
flipping burgers and asking “Would you
like fries with that?”
What I mean is that, we are all in college
to better ourselves and better our future.
And so in honor of that, this column
will be dedicated to giving you valuable
information about helping you land that
job, internship, or position that will perhaps
change your life.
1: Buy an outfit: Employers make the
decision to hire someone within the first
ten seconds of meeting them. Needless
to say, first impressions are everything.
For guys this means having either a suit
and tie or a really nice button down shirt
with dress pants that makes you look
professional and for girls either a pantsuit
or a professional and classy looking
dress should do the trick.
2: Create a stellar resume: Resumes
are a tool that by now I hope everyone is
familiar with. Dont be afraid to spice it
up and sell yourself on it. When writing
it, try to stay away from phrases that say
what you want and instead say something
like how you in particular will be
the solution to the companies issue (if
they have one) or how you will push the
company to the next level. Dont be afraid
to brag, but do be sure that you do not lie.
3: Seek resources: There is nothing
wrong to admit that you need help. COCC
is filled with career counselors that their
only job is to make sure you get a job.
Seek them out at the CAP center (bottom
floor of the library) and don’t be afraid to
ask them for help in anything you need.
Nine times out of ten you will walk out
with new knowledge and tools that are
4: Practice: One never knows what
types of questions interviewers are going
to ask. However, you can still practice
responses for generic questions
like “What is your biggest strength and
weakness.” You can practice sounding
confident and deliver a smooth, yet concise
5: Go for No: Truth be told, there will
be those jobs where you are going to be
rejected. Don’t let that discourage you.
A lot of times in the face of rejection is
when one realizes what we truly want.
And as cliche as this sounds remember
that when one door closes another is
bound to open. So don’t be afraid to hear
the “no,” but instead use it as a drive to
more past it.
As I mentioned already, finding a job,
even if its for the summer is very important
for everyone. after all, you cannot
live of off financial aid forever, so don’t
be afraid to seek resources and talk
to people who have been in the place
where you are now. Ask for advice and
the tools necessary. But above all remember
Now, for the ninth entry in the series
of Guy-code and Girl-code, The guide to
Today’s Young People:
#9: No man shall ever be required to
get a gift (birthday, Christmas, Anniversary,
etc.) for another man. Remembering
the holiday is optional but can only
be addressed with a nod and a “congrats”
and a handshake as an option.
#9: Thou shall never say the “F” word.
Especially to another well respected and
admired woman. And by “F” word I
mean Fat. #GIRLCODE
Now fellow Bobcats, if you have any
suggestions for the next issue of Students
How to guide for everything, Or
if you have any tips please send me an
email, until next time keep it classy.
Brayan Gonzalez | The Broadside
(Contact: [email protected])