A member of the Associated Students of Central Oregon Community College allegedly had a relationship with an employee which violated college policy.
Shara Huskey, former director of public relations of ASCOCC, stated in an e-mail that “a council member is seeing a staff member who they are in charge of.” Similar allegations were repeated in a comment posted to The Broadside’s website.
Cedar Goslin
The Broadside
“The activities council member has had a fling with a paid assistant [whom they are in charge of,]” wrote an anonymous poster.

The comment refers to Alexandra Bresler, the events and activities director of ASCOCC.
It is not permitted by Central Oregon Community College policy for any COCC employee to be in direct supervision of someone with whom they have a personal relationship.
The allegations are unfounded, according to Taran Underdal, ASCOCC’s advisor.
Bresler went on “a few dates” with Kyle Schenk, ASCOCC’s office manager, according to Underdal.
“I would not call it an actual relationship,” said Underdal.
Bresler is also not Schenk’s direct supervisor, according to Underdal. Schenk is supervised by Eliot Collins the director of student affairs at ASCOCC.
Bresler and Schenk said they were never in a relationship, but had “hung out” for a while after fall finals, during the winter break.
“It was more just friends hanging out,” said Schenk.
“We hung out before we both left for the break,” said Bresler. “It was nice to be done with school, and we didn’t talk about work.”
During the time Bresler and Schenk were socializing outside of work, Underdal she said she talked with each of them about keeping their private life separate from work. She said she never saw any issues.
Bresler and Schenk said they have not had any sort of relationship, other than their work relationship, since the beginning of winter term.
“I’ve been too busy to really hang out with friends or anything,” said Bresler. She said her main focus has been her classes and other responsibilities. Even if Bresler and Schenk did continue to socialize outside of work, there is no conflict, according to Underdal.
“Their dating, had it continued, would not be in violation of college policy,” said Underdal.
(Contact: [email protected])
Precious Lapitan | Oct 17, 2013 at 8:54 am
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it isn't good | Feb 9, 2013 at 3:13 pm
So let me get this straight. A student government member Shara Huskey is concerned enough to write an email saying there is a conflict. Seems like she would know best about the dynamics of ASCOCC and that all supporting staff really work for the ENTIRE council (who hired this guy? guessing it was a vote by everyone – including Alex Bresler). Then Taran Underdal is concerned enough to have a conversation with the ASCOCC council member and the person she is spending time with in her “private life.” Then another person makes an allegation on The Broadsides page that she was dating this guy. The Broadside does a story and the advisor sweeps it under the rug and railroads Huskey’s concerns (good thing she isn’t there anymore to comment). How is this not a violation of policy? Bresler is a “supervisor” in the organization. The organization members all oversee and make decisions about those THEY hired. Bresler and Schenk are not equal co-workers.
One question to the Broadside seems relevant. Do ASCOCC Council members hire their staff as a group, and is there a record or vote where this happened? If so, then the reader can determine for themselves who is covering up this story.
I do feel bad for Alex though. A negative headline like this even though it says “accused” is something now that will show up on the internet forever. Someday she might want to get a job and now the perception is out there with this story and her photo. I don’t know if the price tag and the pay that a council member gets for this kind of experience is worth it.
it isn't good | Feb 9, 2013 at 3:13 pm
So let me get this straight. A student government member Shara Huskey is concerned enough to write an email saying there is a conflict. Seems like she would know best about the dynamics of ASCOCC and that all supporting staff really work for the ENTIRE council (who hired this guy? guessing it was a vote by everyone – including Alex Bresler). Then Taran Underdal is concerned enough to have a conversation with the ASCOCC council member and the person she is spending time with in her “private life.” Then another person makes an allegation on The Broadsides page that she was dating this guy. The Broadside does a story and the advisor sweeps it under the rug and railroads Huskey’s concerns (good thing she isn’t there anymore to comment). How is this not a violation of policy? Bresler is a “supervisor” in the organization. The organization members all oversee and make decisions about those THEY hired. Bresler and Schenk are not equal co-workers.
One question to the Broadside seems relevant. Do ASCOCC Council members hire their staff as a group, and is there a record or vote where this happened? If so, then the reader can determine for themselves who is covering up this story.
I do feel bad for Alex though. A negative headline like this even though it says “accused” is something now that will show up on the internet forever. Someday she might want to get a job and now the perception is out there with this story and her photo. I don’t know if the price tag and the pay that a council member gets for this kind of experience is worth it.