As of Friday Nov. 12, Associated Student of Central Oregon Community College marketing and advertising coordinator Brenda Pierce was not currently enrolled at COCC according to the COCC admissions office.
“I enrolled fall term…that makes me currently enrolled,” said Pierce during an interview on Friday.
As of Tuesday Nov. 16, Pierce had been re-enrolled. Pierce explained that a mistake was made in regards to her class schedule.
“These things happen occasionally,” said Aimee Metcalf, from admissions and records.
According to the admissions office, students walk away with a receipt showing what classes they currently enrolled in for verification. Admissions also explained that there is a way to find out if a mistake was made, and if so will be immediately corrected.
According to ASCOCC’s constitution, Article IV, Section 4 : Qualifications for Office, “All council members must be members of the ASCOCC thereby maintaining a minimum one credit hour at COCC.”
The other qualification for office is maintaining a 2.0 GPA. Failing to maintain a 2.0 GPA after a probation period results in automatic termination. The consequences of failing to be enrolled one credit is unclear.
jodie miller | Nov 16, 2010 at 6:09 pm
The Broadside is so desperate to have a story that they bypass any sort of integrity, ethics and morals. We all saw that with Don Iler’s attacks last year and now it has carried on to the new EIC. The common ground here is their advisor. It is time the school stepped in and closed down this rag.
I know Brenda and I asked her about this situation. She practically has a 4.0 and is devestated to take a grade less than an A. She dropped two classes this term due to having to deal with the false accusations made by the Broadside and the constant harrassment which I am sure has been difficult. It would be for any of us as students not to mention she works two jobs, goes to school and manages to tirelessly support students. I know that she has taken fewer courses while event coordinator in spring term to be able to work so students can have everything we do in the spring months. If that isn’t an example of committment and sacrifice for US, well then, I don’t know what is.
She did not mean to have all three dropped last week and handled it as soon as she found out by The Broadside reporter. The EIC assured her this wasn’t going to be an issue, but of course, the Broadside couldn’t resist trying to make her look bad. Pathetic.
However, she has maintained her integrity by not lashing out at The Broadside and remaining professional even when there has been very personal accusations made. She works 40+ hours a week in the office at ASCOCC to make sure that students have a better campus. Without her efforts we would not have the opportunities that we have. I have even heard her defend this crappy paper saying that students should have the ability to write and express themselves if they want to be journalists. -Sorry Brenda, we may disagree on that one.
The majority of the programs and events like Free Bowling Night, Thanksgiving Food Drive, BAT passes for students, the food bank and much more were her concepts that have helped hundreds of us. Our campus would not be what it is without her constant efforts and dedication.
The Broadside should be writing about how great she has been. We did elect her with like 70% of the vote which was way far above anyone else running for student government spring term. Why? Because we as students believe and have seen for ourselves her committment and dedication to students.
You “journalists” with personal attacks against our elected SG representative and student government members in general should be more careful of how you insult the rest of the student body.
If there is a petition to vote (as I have heard there is)on my fees to go to the crap you write, then I VOTE NO MORE.
jodie miller | Nov 16, 2010 at 6:09 pm
The Broadside is so desperate to have a story that they bypass any sort of integrity, ethics and morals. We all saw that with Don Iler’s attacks last year and now it has carried on to the new EIC. The common ground here is their advisor. It is time the school stepped in and closed down this rag.
I know Brenda and I asked her about this situation. She practically has a 4.0 and is devestated to take a grade less than an A. She dropped two classes this term due to having to deal with the false accusations made by the Broadside and the constant harrassment which I am sure has been difficult. It would be for any of us as students not to mention she works two jobs, goes to school and manages to tirelessly support students. I know that she has taken fewer courses while event coordinator in spring term to be able to work so students can have everything we do in the spring months. If that isn’t an example of committment and sacrifice for US, well then, I don’t know what is.
She did not mean to have all three dropped last week and handled it as soon as she found out by The Broadside reporter. The EIC assured her this wasn’t going to be an issue, but of course, the Broadside couldn’t resist trying to make her look bad. Pathetic.
However, she has maintained her integrity by not lashing out at The Broadside and remaining professional even when there has been very personal accusations made. She works 40+ hours a week in the office at ASCOCC to make sure that students have a better campus. Without her efforts we would not have the opportunities that we have. I have even heard her defend this crappy paper saying that students should have the ability to write and express themselves if they want to be journalists. -Sorry Brenda, we may disagree on that one.
The majority of the programs and events like Free Bowling Night, Thanksgiving Food Drive, BAT passes for students, the food bank and much more were her concepts that have helped hundreds of us. Our campus would not be what it is without her constant efforts and dedication.
The Broadside should be writing about how great she has been. We did elect her with like 70% of the vote which was way far above anyone else running for student government spring term. Why? Because we as students believe and have seen for ourselves her committment and dedication to students.
You “journalists” with personal attacks against our elected SG representative and student government members in general should be more careful of how you insult the rest of the student body.
If there is a petition to vote (as I have heard there is)on my fees to go to the crap you write, then I VOTE NO MORE.