Hole’s fourth album is worse than previous ones
Zachary Hunt
The Broadside
Courtney Love is back! With Hole’s fourth studio album, Love has again created a progressively worse album then all previous ones. Over-produced and unoriginal, Nobody’s Daughter exemplifies Courtney Love’s ability to still make listeners cringe at the mere sound of her voice after nearly two decades.
In the 90’s, Hole found a lot of commercial success due to their fearless combination of noise rock and pop-punk sounds. The band found a large fan base in the music market and their second album, Live Through This is still noted as one of the staple albums of the 90’s.
However, in September 2005, Love was arrested and sentenced to six months in a lock down drug rehabilitation center. During her time in the center, Love found hope through writing and eventually wrote eight songs before leaving the center after half of her sentence. She continued to write songs and eventually recruited friends Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins and singer/songwriter Linda Perry to form a brand new Hole line-up.
Although Love recruited a few of the top names in the music industry, her sincerity seems void in Nobody’s Daughter. Love is only credited for writing one of the albums’ eleven tracks on her own and it’s very apparent through the entire album that Hole’s past sound was not taken into account before the production of their fourth album.
The sound of Nobody’s Daughter can be best described as Courtney Love’s most valiant effort to make a pop rock album. All of the tracks sound just the same, with no variation in bass lines and even less effort put into actual musicianship. A lot of the problem is Love’s actual singing voice. She might have been able to get away with only being able to hit half the notes before when her music leaned to the less produced, more grunge-influenced style. With Nobody’s Daughter, however, Love tries way too hard to be a powerful singer with singing solos and less guitar sound, but it ends up biting her in the ass by making her just sound silly.
Overall, Hole may have been an iconic entity for all girl rockers in the past. Though now, unfortunately, Hole is nothing but a tool for Courtney Love to keep telling the entire world that they should feel bad for her because she is a terrible human being.
You may contact Zachary Hunt at [email protected]