Sam Simone
The Broadside
Live music, free food, good information and great prizes all combined into one week called Jump Start, which kicks off every term at Central Oregon Community College and Oregon State University-Cascades.
Students were welcomed back to campus with root beer floats while getting news about all the activities that are on the way.
“It’s a great idea to welcome everybody,” said Betty Bagley.
The leaders behind this event were COCC Activities Coordinator, Taran Underdal and OSU Cascades Coordinator of Student Life and International Programs, Andrew Davis. Underdal and Davis started this event last fall, so students can get to know each other and feel a part of the campus at large.
“We had a lot of support from the various groups and returning students to make sure everything runs smoothly,” said Davis.
This was evident on Tuesday at the Campus Resource Fair.
“It’s a great way to get students going for services and resources,” said OSUCascades Internships, Employment and Alumni Relations, Bruce Peterson and COCC Career Services Coordinator Tracy Dula.
I n f o r m a t i o n about both campuses and their services was readily available for students to acquire.
Franchot Tone performed live in the atrium as students were treated to a free barbecue lunch at Cascades Hall.
The students were smiling, talking and cheering for the band.
“I dig Franchot Tone man… He works hard. It pays. It shows. He has a lot of soul, I dig the cat,” said Leif James.
Cascades Hall was packed. Full of hungry students waiting for some free food and a chance to enter the free raffle that Jump Start sponsored all
On Thursday, it was Constitution day. Students registered to vote, got information about constitutional rights, and were able to pick up a free lunch again.
Closing out the week, students were invited to a private screening of Super 8.
Missed out on Jump Start?
Have no fear it happens every term with new events, more information and more free stuff.