Free evidence-based Suicide Prevention training will take place at COCC’s Health Career Center in room 330 on Monday, May 9, 2022 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. This training was coordinated and brought together by Psychology Professor Andria Wooddell, Ph.D., in collaboration with the Deschutes County Health Department.
What is it?
QPR training is a type of evidence-based Suicide Prevention training, meaning it is a strategy that has been proven to assist in the prevention of suicide. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer.
A study from 2007-2017 performed by Deschutes County states the majority of suicides attempted by college age students are attempted at home. The main idea of the study was to show how loved ones of those at-risk should be made aware of the warning signs of suicide and how to effectively intervene.
“QPR allows individuals to develop tools on how to lean into these difficult situations,” Woodell said.
Why should I attend?
On average, in Oregon, two people die every day to suicide, according to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). It is the second leading cause of death for people from the ages of 5 to 34, said the OHA.
Is suicide a difficult topic? Yes. It always will be. Especially to people who have lost loved ones to suicide. There are ways to prevent it. Even if it’s not 100-percent. If it increases their chance of survival even just one-percent, isn’t that worth it?
“It is important to de-stigmatize mental health issues so people can feel comfortable processing big feelings and provide opportunities to learn how to be more empathetic and responsive to others,” Wooddell said.
The training is to be held on Monday, May 9th at the Health Career Center in room 330. However, there are only 30 slots available, so if interested, sign up by clicking here.