Miina McCown/The Broadside
“Demon Slayer,” or “Kimetsu no Yaiba,” is a popular Japanese manga and anime franchise. It has come to be known by many as one of the biggest anime series in recent times, with its record-breaking numbers in global manga and box office sales. The series was adapted into a movie in late 2020, which became the highest grossing Japanese film of all time, surpassing the original holder of the spot, Studio Ghibli’s “Spirited Away.”
The anime film’s record-breaking release established itself as an unprecedented success due to its impressive numbers despite the conditions of the pandemic. You can read more about “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train,” in this previous Broadside story.
Not long after the series had been renewed, a highly anticipated season two has been airing weekly. The season was set to be released in two arcs; the first part, the “Mugen Train” arc was shown as seen in the movie but repackaged into episodes, with some additional scenes.
While you would most likely need to watch the “Mugen Train” arc to have a full understanding of the story, the new season is quick to jump into the plot, leaving out needless recap scenes. In general, this new season left zero room for filler. Each scene was paced articulately and masterfully, keeping viewers on pins and needles.
Much like season one and the film, this new season was no disappointment when it came to the animation. Along with its engaging characters and well written story, the anime adaptation is a visual masterpiece, effortlessly merging the aesthetics of the Japanese Taishō period with vibrant colors and eye-catching stylization.
One might even say that the animation has improved since season one. However, we leave that to the viewers to determine for themselves. According to Ufotable, the studio behind “Demon Slayer,” the movie alone had a budget of $15.8 million, and brought in $503 million in the box office.
The newest addition to the anime, or the “Entertainment District” arc covered 30 chapters from the manga. And while the “Mugen Train” arc was centered around the train as its main setting, this new arc took viewers on a journey into Yoshiwara, a real district of Tokyo that was mainly known as the red-light district.
The first and last episodes of the “Entertainment District” arc ran in double lengths, leaving more time for exposition and conclusions. Nevertheless, the story dove straight into the action, leaving time to get acquainted with new characters and certain plot developments from the previous arc.
Additionally, with the new story came new characters: Uzui Tengen, one of the high-level Demon Slayer Corps who was briefly seen in season one was a primary character, as well as the introductions of Daki and Gyutaro, demon siblings who were the primary antagonists throughout the arc.
With another impressive new season, “Demon Slayer” captured the hearts of more viewers, anime fans and non-anime fans alike.