Marvin Walder/The Broadside
Founded in 2012, Worthy Brewing, located at 495 NE Bellevue Drive, is one of the newer breweries in Bend, Oregon. Recently, Worthy Brewing has begun hosting live music in the “Star Bar”, a balcony pub that’s on the second story of the main building. The Star Bar sits right next to the 50-foot tall main tower, which houses Worthy Brewing’s “Hopservatory”, consisting of a 16-inch RCOS-based Ritchey-Chrétien telescope that visitors can use to explore the night sky on certain days. The live music events are hosted by Eric Leadbetter and are scheduled to continue with different artists coming in on the 17th and 24th of February from 5:30-7:30 pm. A Facebook post containing more information about the event can be found here.