Kate Couch/ The Broadside
There is a weird time when it is no longer summer, but it’s not ski season yet. It is difficult to find fun things to do when it is too cold outside but not cold enough for fun snow filled activites. Gathered below are some suggestions for those mid-season activities you can do this November.
No.1 Hike the Metolius River
Located in Camp Sherman Oregon the Metolius river is a beautiful hike in the fall time. If you’re feeling adventurous you could jump into the water! Coined by many locals “the Turquoise River” the Metolius river is a hike with beautiful scenery and fall colors. There are many hikes to do in Central Oregon. During this mid-season great time to take advantage of fall foliage hikes while wearing the appropriate gear of course!
No.2 Bungee jumping
Not for the faint-of-heart, bungee jumping is known as one of the peak thrill-seeking activities that one could take part in. The 250-foot bungee jump from the top of the Peter Skene Ogden State Park bridge is sure to make your adventures sprite full. The Peter Skene jump is one of the highest in North America.
No.3 Stargazing
As the nights begin to dip into the 30s stargazing can lose its appeal, however, there are lots of ways you can stay warm and enjoy the stary nights. Whether it’s a cute date night or you just want some time to think, grab a blanket, your jacket, and some warm coffee or cocoa. The Central Oregon night sky is sure to leave you in an awestruck late into the night. If you want to be more formal you could always visit the observatory in Sunriver.
No.4 Virtual book club
As we are all so painstakingly aware, lot of a lot of our fun social activities have been canceled. Everybody is quickly adapting, a great idea for people wanting to stay connected, you could join a virtual book club. In November they will be discussing the Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi. Click here for more info.
No.5 Young adults’ coffee and game night
Every Friday night at seven the Riverwoods Outreach Church in Bend Oregon hosts young adults’ coffee and game night. Enjoy free expresso and snacks while getting to mingle with other people your age. It’s a fun night to unwind before the weekend and meet new people. Located here
There are a lot of other activities to do despite the weather and social distancing. For example, this Friday, November 6th downtown will be hosting First Friday (downtown shops will hosts sales, there will be food carts and live music) again.
The Source Weekly also holds a continually updated calendar of things to do throughout the week and month, check out here. Make sure you’re getting outside and socializing as it’s easier to develop seasonal depression during these winter months