Seth Root/The Broadside
Are any of you Central Oregon Community College students registered to vote? If not, your chance to register and vote in the upcoming primary is closing in fast!
Voting is important in our republic because not only is it a way to participate in the voting process, it is a way to make your voice heard and a way to make government accountable. If you want change, in other words, you have to vote. So to help you be the change, here is how you can register to vote:
1) Go to Oregon’s Secretary of State website.
2) Click on the “register to vote” icon.
3) Answer the questions from the site (like whether or not you are 18 years old or not).
4) Now you are registered and ready to vote in the primary and in the upcoming general election which will decide who will be the next president!
Seth Root is the News/Opinion Editor of the Broadside. To reach him, his email address is [email protected].