The tutoring center here at Central Oregon Community College is an easy way to get certified help with classes. The center offers tutoring assistance from fellow certified students, as well as degree holding professors.
Kelly Smith, the director of tutoring and testing here on campus, said, “I work with very intelligent people who want to help other people learn.”
There are two tutoring centers here on campus: the main center is in the lower level of the library, and the other is located in the Ochoco building in room 139. The Ochoco tutoring center, is the newest addition to this facility. This particular tutoring center is home to the language lab. Students come here to improve their multilingual abilities. Gina Chylak is a Spanish tutor and one of the degree-holding mentors.
“This year since we have this language lab area, a lot more students have been coming regularly. All the people that are here today come all the time,” said Gina.
Two of these regular attendees are Kyleen Gonzalez and, Brittney Kelso. Twice a week, they pay a visit to the Ochoco tutoring center.
“I was definitely struggling in the beginning. Coming to Gina has helped me solidify what I learned in class,” Kyleen Gonzalez said,
Brittney Kelso said,“It [tutoring] helps especially for speaking [the language being learned], like really develops that ability because otherwise you have no one else to speak with. In class it is kind of awkward because, they are on the same level as you, so they don’t really know what we are saying.”
According to Kelly Smith, there are roughly 1,700 to 1,800 students currently utilizing this facility.
“Our tutoring program includes 10 hours of tutor training that we require of every single student or professional that we hire” Kellie explained.
The tutors who go through this program have regular, advanced, and masters CRLA (College Reading and Learning Association) training here on campus.
Kara Lueck | The Broadside
(Contact: [email protected])