Roses are red, violets are blue, COCC’s poetry class created this for you. This selection is the first in a term long series of poems selected and submitted by the college’s creative writing poetry class. Frozen Moments was chosen as a popular choice by the class.
Frozen Moments –By Lily Wisner
I breathe in the cold, crisp air
the bridge, lying across the river welcomes me
like a lover might
too trample and use
and say I was there.
So many have been there before me
their footprints have raped the virgin snow.
The river whines and beckons and I answer the
low, haunting cry.
With my thanks, I mar the fallen snow, as if I too
would leave my mark within her winter heart.
Frozen water clings to a fallen tree
The dead protecting the temporary
Irony too beautiful…too ghastly not to appreciate.
As the rush of the river races by,
I remember how fragile it all is.
I give thanks for what I feel in this passing moment.
Not for what I might have on some future day
Not for what I may have once known
But for only this moment.
The one racing by me now!
The next one may be too tragic, too precious, too late.
OnelovedEagle | Jun 3, 2015 at 4:34 pm
Love it!
OnelovedEagle | Jun 3, 2015 at 4:34 pm
Love it!