The newest episode of Off-Script with Liam Gibler features history enthusiast Tracy Jones. Tracy has studied Medieval history for years and hopes to one day teach as a history professor. In this conversation, Liam and Tracy talk about life in the 14th century.
What was it like for the lower class under the feudal system? Why did the positions of power switch hands so frequently? How and why did the Hundred Years’ War come about? It’s a mini-documentary on the tension between France and England.
This episode is both serious and educational, while also having the levity of two friends having a conversation. By recapping the information presented, the complicated subject that is Medieval War and Politics becomes digestible.
The topic is covered in an engaging, but not explicit manner. The pair manages to talk about war without gory recounts or upsetting images. If you’re a fan of history, then you’ll like this episode.
Off-Script with Liam Gibler is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts and wherever else you like to listen. New episodes available every other Monday.