Juggling work and school can be the ultimate circus act, but you have to land the job first.
“There are jobs out there.” Career Services Coordinator, Tracy Dula said. “A lot of jobs.”
Anna Quesenberry
The Broadside
The idea that there are no jobs in today’s market is a “misconception,” Dula said. She is the go-to person for student jobs on campus.
“If somebody is applying for hundreds of jobs, they are doing something wrong,” Dula said.
Dula’s door is always open to students. Her office is located in the Cap Center at Barber library.
Finding work is becoming a hassle for COCC student Alex Garza. He works in Sunriver and is searching for a job with a shorter commute.
“I’m pretty qualified,” Garza said. “I have a lot of experience in high-end food industry.”
Garza’s strategy is to walk right into restaurants and introduce himself. He sees Craigslist as “plan B.”
Job-seekers should exude confidence in their abilities and spend time getting to know themselves, according to Dula.
“What makes you a valuable employee?” asked Dula. “Why are you going to be the solution to that employer’s problem?”
Applicants should always keep in mind they are making an impression on a potential employer, Dula explained.
“Ultimately it comes down to another person’s assessment and judgement,” Dula said, “so there’s no guarantees.”
Five tips for landing the job:

Make sure your application is neat and complete.
Watch for spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Practice, practice, practice.
Know yourself and your field.
Dress for success.
(Contact: [email protected])