As of Friday Nov. 12, Associated Student of Central Oregon Community College marketing and advertising coordinator Brenda Pierce was not currently enrolled at COCC according to the COCC admissions office.
“I enrolled fall term…That makes me currently enrolled,” said Pierce during an interview.
According to ASCOCC’s constitution, Article IV, Section 4 : Qualifications for Office, “All council members must be members of the ASCOCC thereby maintaining a minimum one credit hour at COCC.” The other qualification for office is maintaining a 2.0 GPA. Failing to maintain a 2.0 GPA after a probation period results in automatic termination. The consequences of failing to be enrolled one credit is unclear.
It is also unclear whether the college will take action in light of Pierce’s non enrollment.
“There has not been any decision made on that topic,” said Ron Paradis, director of college relations.