Darragh Hildreth
The Broadside

Residence Hall staff and students hosted ‘Halloween Hall’ for local trick-or-treaters in the community on Oct.28 at Central Oregon Community College campus in Juniper Hall.
Funded by Associated Students of Central Oregon Community College and Associated Students of Cascades Campus, ‘Halloween Hall,’ exceeded the initial goal of 100 participants. Paul Amar, Residence Life Director at COCC and founder of the event, was delighted about the results of the evening.
“We already went through bags and bags of candy. Been having a constant flow of kids since the doors opened,” said Amar.
Amar came up with the idea of ‘Halloween Hall’ from an old tradition from the University of Idaho. COCC students dressed in a variety of terrifying themes, while guiding tours of their ‘spooky’ dorm halls and handing out candy to trick-or-treaters ages 12 and younger.
Alex Bresler, 19, exercise science major and Juniper Hall Staff Assistant, volunteered at the event. From the beginning, Bresler was decorating Juniper Hall and motivating other residence students to participate. Bresler and other staff members earlier in the week have been visiting elementary schools and advertising the event around Bend.
“ It’s the first time the school is doing this, and being a part of it is really awesome,” said Bresler.
Bresler played the role of a nerd, handing out fistfuls of candy and conducting tours for groups of children and their families, as she lead them through dorm halls decorated with spider webs hanging off the ceiling. On the tour, children would knock on dorm room doors to receive candy, just like going door to door in a neighborhood, but with the exception of trick-or- treating inside a building that is a warmer and safer environment, observed by Nichole Sartin, mother of three-year-old son, Landon Sing, dressed in a monkey costume.
“I’m loving it. This beats walking in the dark and being cold. This is a way fun and safe place to trick-or-treat,” said Sartin.
Not only are the parents and children benefiting ‘Halloween Hall,’ students are all well.
“Paul Amar’s idea is a brilliant way to reach out to the community. This personally gives me the benefit to interact with locals and note this in a resume for future jobs,” said Bresler.
While most of the trick-or-treating is done in the dorm halls, in the main lobby of Juniper Hall, the Latino Club of COCC presented a competition booth for best colored in skull portrait. Residence staff also set up a table heaped with trays full of cookies and snacks for the public.
“This went better than I planned. It’s absolutely perfect. We are definitely going to do this next year,” said Amar.
You may contact Darragh Hildreth at [email protected]