Photo by Serena Zohbe Garcia
Mushroom-heads, monkeys, deer, fairies and butterflies strolled down the corner of Bond and Louisiana street to celebrate Bend’s Earth Day parade on April 22. Hundreds gathered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for family-friendly activities. Scroll through these photos to see more of the event.
The event had booths from local food and businesses, with music and performances throughout the day. Environmental organizations helped connect locals with getting involved. During the parade, the Earth guardians, which are three large puppets worn like a costume, led the crowd in celebration. At Troy Field, activities for kids were set up from face-painting to potato-sack racing. The Ameyalmazatl Citaltonal Azteca Dance Group performed with traditional indigenous songs and stories by Speakthunder Berry. There was an electric vehicle showcase, with information on sustainability
The Earth day parade is annually put on by The Environmental Center. To learn more visit The Environmental Center in Bend.