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Believe it or not, midterms are over, and finals are now right around the corner. Final exams can make or break a student’s grade in a class. Tests can be extremely overwhelming, and sometimes it’s hard as a student to know how to prepare, and what options there are available. The list below is compiled of resources and tips that every Central Oregon Community College student should know to have a successful finals week.
Tutoring is a free service to all students currently enrolled at COCC. COCC offers a variety of tutoring options online and in person. Tutoring is always a good option for students who need extra help with a subject before finals.
There are many options to go through for tutoring, but the most accessible is through the tutoring tab on the student’s canvas page. This option offers help in almost every subject; once the student has clicked on the icon, many opportunities for in-person and online tutoring times will be shown. For in-person tutoring the lower level of the Barber Library at the Bend campus is available, Redmond campus the RTEC building room 222, Madras campus the Madras conference room, and the Prineville campus is room 112. There is no need to registar before coming to in-person tutoring sessions simply walk in and get the help students need.
The second option for tutoring is only available online through Western eTutoring. Although this option is only online, it offers help in more subjects, and more tutors are available at a given time.
Procrastinating tends to be a college student’s worst enemy. Most students have probablythought, “There are a million other things I would rather be doing right now than studying.” However, studying for your finals is the key to a better grade. Studying not only helps you for a test, but it also promotes long term learning. According to TestInnovators, long term studying promotes long term learning. So instead of cramming the week before, it is recommended to space out study sessions.
Working in a group is almost always better than one person trying to figure everything out. Flordia National University states that students will better understand a subject while working in a group. While working in a group, students will also find themselves combatting procrastination because other students now rely on them. Peers can be motivators; sometimes, having two or more minds ready to combat a problem is better than just one.
Studying without distractions is extremely important to a successful outcome. This means not having a phone nearby, not having the TV on and eliminating loud or disrupting noises. Even the presence of a cell phone can result in a less productive study session. In today’s world, where technology is everywhere, it can be challenging for students to stay productive without looking at a phone. To ensure students are not distracted, leaving cell phones in a different room or turning off the phone is recommended. It may even be helpful to play a relaxing playlist to keep students’ minds at ease while studying.
Finals can become the most stressful part of the term. So, it is important to make time for yourself between studying. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and taking a brain break are all ways to help de-stress. From March 10 to March 19, COCC is hosting free events to help you de-stress for finals week. At the Bend campus, these events include a Sockapalooza, free chair massages, pet-a-puppy therapy, free coffee and donuts, students vs. staff basketball game, coffee and snacks during library hours and more.
The Bend, Madras, Prineville and Redmond campuses offer different Stress-Free Finals events. For exact times and more information about Stress-Free Finals events, click here.