Collage by Miina McCown (Individual images, from left to right from https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nme.com%2Fblogs%2Fnme-blogs%2Fkrampus-star-adam-scott-and-director-michael-dougherty-discuss-their-gremlins-inspired-christmas-mov-13331&psig=AOvVaw2sOKd6RGTiWnfSKDdzejMM&ust=1639517937859000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjhxqFwoTCMDLzLTe4fQCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD, https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rottentomatoes.com%2Fm%2F1018989-silent_night_deadly_night&psig=AOvVaw3RWrSKKoe1YNmAzefLsL8_&ust=1639517995650000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCICyvNHe4fQCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD, https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.joblo.com%2Fbetter-watch-out-rated-r-for-disturbing-violent-content-much-more-251%2F&psig=AOvVaw1hZyMvkjvS7gCop74L7Fj_&ust=1639518059750000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjhxqFwoTCLDs8O_e4fQCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ
Miina McCown/The BroadsideĀ
Sure, everyone has heard of Gremlins, but what about some other scary Christmas movies to get you shivering under your blankets this holiday season? Keep reading for our top five selections of Christmas horror films with a wide range of sub-genres guaranteed to appeal to anyone celebrating this holiday
1. Rare Exports
Ever wondered about the foreign, dark legends about Saint Nick? Rare Exports is a 2010 Finnish film about a young boy living in rural Finland who believes that a classified mountain drilling project near his home uncovered the tomb of a monstrous, evil version of Santa Claus. When his father captures a bloodthirsty old man, the people of the town begin to discover the mysteries of the disappearing children and slaughtered reindeer. This film is a must watch if you are on the hunt for a gory, dark fantasy for Christmas.
2. Better Watch Out
Slasher movies are a popular subgenre among horror media. But what about Christmas slasher films? Better Watch Out is a recent film and a twisted and unpredictable story about a girl babysitting a 12 year old boy in the suburbs during the holidays, only to run into intruders that she must protect him- or herself from. This film is not only unnerving, but a nail bitingly suspenseful slasher with clever writing destined to both confuse and attract audiences.
3. Krampus
If you are looking for another film with elements of folklore and the darker origins of Christmas, look no further because Krampus is the perfect dark fantasy-horror story. The plot focuses on the preexisting legend of a horned beast called Krampus who comes after misbehaving children at Christmastime. The fighting of the family begins to unleash the demonic spirit, and soon, they must learn to work together in order to protect each other from their dangerous fate.
4. Black Christmas (1974)
If you are in the spirits for another slasher movie, the 1974 Black Christmas is for you. A group of sorority sisters begin to receive threatening, anonymous phone calls, but this is only the beginning of their troubles. As winter break starts, several girls go missing or are murdered. The students try to figure out who is behind the horrible events, but they do not realize how close the killer is, and if they would be able to make it out in time for Christmas.
5. The Lodge
Lastly, this movie is neither a dark fantasy nor slasher. The Lodge is a 2019 psychological thriller focusing on a family retreat to an isolated cabin for Christmas. The father abruptly leaves due to work issues, leaving his two kids with his new girlfriend in harsh winter conditions. However, her dark past slowly seeps into reality, blurring the lines between real life and hallucinations. This film is dark, unpredictable and audiences will realize that what they thought was incorrect, and characters they trusted turned their backs on morality.