Exterior sign of the Coats Campus Center, Friday, Nov. 8, 2019 (For The Broadside/Luke Reynolds)
Seth Root/The Broadside
If you’re a student, it can be hard to pay for college. Some students take out loans, some students pay out of pocket for their education and some have their parents pay for their education.
However, not all students have parents that can pay for their education, and others may not have a good credit score to get loans to pay for their education.
The good news is that once students come back on campus, there will be student jobs available for those that need the money to provide for their education.
Deborah Lehto, a financial aid specialist at Central Oregon Community College, said a variety of jobs would be available to students once COCC is open to the public.
“Jobs vary,” Lehto said. “From working in the computer labs as an attendant, office assistance/clerks in many departments, student assistants in the library, student ambassadors with admissions, ground specialists with Campus Services are just a few examples that students can apply to at COCC.”
Alicia Moore, vice president of student affairs, said in an email that if COCC does not open up to students, there is a possibility for remote work.
“We did have some student positions that were remote during spring and summer quarters, so while it is too early to give specifics for fall, I assume we will have some remote work opportunities for students.”
Lehto assured that with COVID-19 continuing, the college will provide a healthy and safe environment for those that work on campus.
“As you may know, these guidelines change on a weekly basis. COCC is committed to promoting a healthy and safe environment for students and employees,” said Lehto. “Once COCC is open to the public, departments will look for opportunities to hire student workers if it is a healthy and safe environment.”