(photo by reshoots.com from pexels)
Finals are approaching at Central Oregon Community College, and remote learning will continue to be used for the final week. This is a time when either stress, confidence or both can build up in many students, especially with the new method of learning completely virtually. Here are six tips that will help with remote finals.
Get started ahead of time
One of the best strategies is to get started ahead of time. Getting started on finals a week ahead is better than waiting until the day before, especially if the final involves an essay. By starting the work early, organization and routine will follow along.
“Get started on [an essay] soon as it may take more time than a typical week,” says COCC History Professor Jessica Hammerman.
Strong internet connection
Students should be well connected to the internet when taking their remote final. If internet is not great in the house, another place to go where Wi-Fi never sleeps is the COCC campus.
“I’ve never had trouble with getting booted off while on campus,” says COCC Speech and Writing Professor Jon Bouknight, “My students from Intercultural Communication get booted off sometimes halfway through the test.”
It is not fun to restart a test because of poor Wi-Fi connection. Although internet connection can be unpredictable at times, a good internet connection should be prepared by students before the test.
Figure out what needs the most attention
The information that is not as important can wait, but the opposite should be studied early. If the teacher mentions questions from the test that are important, it would be best to make note of and study those questions first. Some tests will require students to memorize an abundance of vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of those essential materials.
“Learn the vocabulary associated with the topic,” says COCC Biology Professor Steve Edwards, “The list of terms and concepts are the key things on what the class is all about.”
4. Take occasional breaks
“Don’t get bogged down with studying,” says COCC Mathematics Professor Sean Rule.
Studying for finals can be tedious and overwhelming. The amount of time dedicated to the preparation of a final can be exhausting. Knowing when to take breaks is one of the keys to success. Students shouldn’t be focusing on a final from 9 am-6pm without any break between that time frame. Students should have a time set for a break and when to return.
5. Utilize Quizlet or memorization techniques
In terms of vocabulary and core concepts, Quizlet is a great resource to study material that is not recognized as easily. Create a set of terms or questions in Quizlet, then provide the definitions. Once a set is created, there are multiple options that can be used to memorize the terms such as learn, flashcards, or test. Terms that a student gets incorrect can star and continue to be practiced. For students who don’t use Quizlet, another option is writing terms and definitions on a sheet of paper. Fold the paper in half vertically and write the terms on one side and the definitions on the other. This paper is now essentially flashcards, just used in one space.
Ask questions to classmates or professors
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions. If there is a concern about a final, let the professor know as soon as possible instead of waiting until the week or day of the test.
This remote learning will serve as a terrific experiment for the future. If students can make it through these last two weeks, then practically anything is possible. Regardless of the outcome for these remote finals, it will not be the end of the world.
(Jack Peeples/The Broadside)