A closeup of mushrooms, November 21, 2019, displayed as part of "Pulchritudinous," an art exhibit on display at Central Oregon Community College through Dec. 15. (Emma Evenhus/For The Broadside)
By Emma Evenhus/For The Broadside
Devan Horton’s “Pulchritudinous” is one of the latest art exhibits at Central Oregon Community College, and is on display through Dec. 13. The exhibit opened Oct. 15 and pieces are all oil paint on panel.
Art is an important part of student life for many who attend Central Oregon Community College. The college offers a multitude of art courses all year including drawing, painting, ceramics and more. In addition, the college displays a rotating series of art exhibits. These exhibits are a variety of themes and are displayed for varying amounts of time through each term.
When asked what inspires her to create, Horton immediately thought of nature.
“Nature has always inspired me and even as a child I felt most comfortable being in the woods. There are so many incredible natural creations that get overlooked,” Horton said.
Hence, the mushrooms. Pulchritudinous, by definition, means beautiful. Finding the beauty in the overlooked was something Horton was chasing after in her pieces.
Art students at COCC will often look to exhibits for inspiration. The advice Horton would give to these students is to slow down.
“No matter your influences or personal style, it’s amazing how mundane objects can bring about inspiration. Also listen to your intuition,” Horton said.
Creativity can come out of the small and unexpected things, too, she said.
Horton is a Northern Kentucky-based artist, and often displays her art in the Cincinnati/Louisville areas. However, a lot of effort is put into branching out in order to show more of her art nationally.
View the school’s bulletin boards to find out more information on upcoming art exhibits.
To find more of Devan Horton’s art, view her website www.devanhorton.com, or stay updated on Instagram @hortondevan to see her current series about climate change and garbage.
Emma Evenhus is a student at Central Oregon Community College. Reach her at [email protected]. This story was produced as part of Publications Lab, a COCC course, and not by staff of The Broadside, an independent, student-run news organization located on the COCC campus.