In April 2015, the list of the Most Fit & Friendlyiest-
Cities in America came out on Smartasset.com and the
Huffington Post. Bend Oregon came up at number 6.
The findings combine research data for fitness trainers
per ratio or people in the city, sporting retailers in the
city along with fast food restaurants that have quick
service per amount of people who live in the city.
Students are a large part of supporting the findings,
according to Julie Downing, Health & Human Performance
director at Central Oregon Community College.
“Recreational opportunities attract students who
are interested in outdoor activities as well as those interested
in having a career in the health fitness area,”
Downing said, “There are instructors in COCC who
have their personal trainer certificates such as Downing,
Ruth Ann Clark, and Jenny Cruickshank who is a
wellness coach also.”
“Everything is geared for activity outdoors in many
different environments,” said Shannon Aberro parttime
HHP dance fitness instructor. “ If you live in Bend
there is really no way out of participating in sports in
some sort of way.”
Some of the students who attend Aberro’s dance
classes are there for many different reasons, some are
super fitness buffs, some want to have fun and some
are there to work at losing weight and getting into better
shape, according to Aberro.
“Bend being on the top ten list of Most Fitness
Friendly cities makes sense, it has a great deal of outdoor
events that occur here. Just try going to another
state for example Minnesota, sit in a park and observe,”
Aberro said. “There are not as many people actively
participating in fitness due to a lack of opportunity .”
Laura Emerson | The Broadside
(Contact: [email protected])