Everyone does it. Whether it has to do with academics, plans, or simple household chores, procrastination can be a major time consumer. It comes in many shapes and forms for a variety of different reasons. For some, it is only a minor issue while for others it can completely take over their life.Luckily, there is a solution.
“Procrastination is a complex psychological behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another,” stated Edward Young, English poet, in his article Procrastination is the thief of time.
With that said, according to Young, there are many reasons why an individual may participate in this unproductive activity. To name a few, some people procrastinate due to self-doubt, perfectionism, difficulty, or lack of knowledge. Procrastination is known as a “widespread phenomenon in college settings” according to Sarah Hensen, Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor at Central Oregon Community College.
While the concept of procrastination is mainly portrayed in a negative fashion, a survey of DSU students concludes that 57 percent of students that students procrastinate because it “gives them a rush.”
Forty-three percent of the DSU students surveyed admit they procrastinate because they’ve done it so long that it became “second nature to them,” according to the survey.
Procrastination in the form of a short, 10 minute to an hour long break, may be a healthy breather for a fresh perspective. With a little moderation, procrastination may not be the most detrimental thing to the schedule and/or life of a college student. It all depends on the self-control/ self-management of the particular individual, said Hensen.
Hensen, believes that procrastination is “self- reinforcing” and while she, too, believes that short breaks are healthy and acceptable, those who procrastinate for longer periods of time might be “out of alignment with their values.”
When this is the case, it is important to “get to the root of the thought reaction, be aware of your cues, and build different reactions to them,” said Hensen.
For one student, turning to a college success course helped to overcome procrastination. College success is a class that teaches skills for success in college and far more.
Carlos Vasquez, COCC student, struggled with procrastination his “whole life.”
“ I took [a college success] class as a last resort. What I learned has helped me beyond my academic life,” Vasquez said.
Another method of procrastination management mentioned by Hensen is the “Pomodoro Method”, this method, invented by an Italian man by the name of Francesco Cirillo, is done simply by setting a timer for 20 minutes, turning off all distractions and focusing for those 20 minutes, after those 20 minutes are through, give yourself a break and a reward.
Overcoming procrastination
Write down your priorities
Limit your media time
Break Projects Down into More Manageable Segments
Make a List
Eliminate Distractions
Reward Yourself
Alyssa Heyman | The Broadside
(Contact: [email protected])