Department of Public Safety Winter driving tips
Sign up for the ENS system through your bobcat account. Important campus closures or restrictions are distributed through this system.
Use ODOT’s trip check for roadway conditions. https://tripcheck.com/Pages/RCMap.asp?curRegion=5
Slow down and keep a safe distance – probably the most common cause of accidents on campus is unsafe speed for conditions, coupled with following too close.
Use winter driving safety equipment – winter tires, studded tire, 4WD, etc. and make sure your vehicle is in satisfactory operating condition, especially your wipers.
One easy way to lose control is to heavily apply your breaks. Don’t put yourself in a position where you have to do a panic stop…drive and plan ahead.
Don’t be fooled….a seemingly “damp” road can actually be a frozen, icy surface.
Use caution when walking on icy/snowy surfaces
Do not park or pull into lots or areas closed, they are closed for a reason and you may get stuck or hamper our snow plowing efforts.
All traffic laws are enforced by Campus Public Safety Officers – the regulations and signage are there to provide a safe traffic environment.