Photo illustration by Vera Holiday | The Broadside.

Employers tell Tracy Dula all the time that they are listing jobs and getting no applicants.
“It’s a misconception that there are no jobs out there,” Dula, career services coordinator at Central Oregon Community College, said.
Dula specializes in helping COCC students find a job during summer or after graduation. She attributes the trend to the fact that many students tend to go through the process alone.
“I’m here as the career services coordinator to help all job seekers, all students, and they [students] don’t have to be graduates, they can be looking for summer part-time employment.” Dula said.
One of the biggest tools to finding a job in today’s economy is knowing how to market yourself, according to Dula.
“When going in an interview, you have to convince employers that you are the solution to their problem, and you have to convey the message of how your abilities will make it easier for them,” Dula said.
While persistence is important, self-reflection is even more important.
“When you’re stuck in rut and not getting interviews, assessing what you’re doing and then trying it in a different way can make a difference,” Dula said.
Brayan Gonzalez
The Broadside
[email protected]